The music staff has this many lines
what is 5
We say this to remember the space notes
What is FACE in the space ?
The top number of a time signature tells us
How many beats per measure
choir posture
feet shoulder-width apart, hands by sides, lightly bent knees
Unison means
Singing the same thing all together
The staff has this many spaces
What is 4?
what is Every Good Boy Deserves Fudge ?
the bottom number of the time signature tells us
What kind of note gets one beat.
How loud/quiet we sing
This word means a person that writes music
what is a composer?
This solfege syllable is between do and mi
what is re
This note is found on the third line
What is B?
This note is held for 4 beats
what is a whole note?
Singing while listening to other singers (so no single voice sticks out)
When one person sings by themselves
What is a solo?
This solfege syllable is a skip up from fa
what is La?
This note is found on the second space
what is A
In 4/4 time signature, there are 4 of these notes per measure
what are quarter notes?
The things we stand on at choir concerts to help us to see and be seen
Words that mean gradually get louder and gradually get softer.
what are crescedos and Decrescendos?
These 3 syllables create a major triad
What are Do, Mi, & Sol?
this note connects the bass clef and treble clef
What is Middle C?
This type of note is held for 3 beats
What is a dotted half note?
a Capella
Sung without any instruments
traditional choir voicing SATB stands for...
What is Soprano, Alto, Tenor, and Bass