Who was Jacob's favorite son?
What did Hannah pray for?
a son
How many times did Samuel hear his name called by God while he was sleeping?
Which of Jesse's sons did God choose to be the next King?
What would Elizabeth name her son?
What gift did Jacob give to Joseph?
a colorful coat
What did Hannah name her son?
Why did people offer sacrifices?
to show they are sorry for doing wrong
Why did God tell Samuel to go to Bethlehem?
to anoint a new king
Who was Elizabeth's husband?
Why did Potiphar throw Joseph in jail?
Potiphar's wife lied and said that Joseph tried to hurt her.
What did Hannah mean when she said she would give her son back to God?
Her son would serve God.
What were Eli's sons names?
Hophni and Phineas
What does anoint mean?
to put oil on someone to show that they are special
What gifts did the Magi give to Baby Jesus?
items made of gold, frankincense, and myrrh
What did Joseph have dreams about?
His brothers were bowing to him like a king.
Where did Hannah take her son after he was born?
the Tabernacle
What bad thing were Eli's sons doing?
They were stealing parts of the sacrifices.
What two animals did David kill with his sling?
a lion and a bear
Why did Mary and Joseph have to travel to Bethlehem?
The Romans told everyone to go back to their hometown so they could be counted (The Romans called for a census).
What did Joseph say Potipher's dreams meant?
The 7 large cows represented 7 good years of food and the 7 thin cows represented 7 years of famine.
What did Hannah bring her son every year at the Tabernacle?
a new coat
What did God tell Samuel would happen to Eli's sons?
Eli's sons would soon be punished for the way they mistreated people.
Why did King Saul's servants want David to come to King Saul?
They wanted him to play his harp to make King Saul happy.
What did the shepherds do after they came and saw baby Jesus?
They went and told everyone about the new king!