Current Trends in Science

The above equipment is used to measure the intensity of radiant energy. What is its name?

Crookes radiometer


What led to the following false claim?

"A person gets a greater annual dose of radiation from eating a banana than by standing beside a nuclear power plant."

Bananas are rich in potassium (chemical symbol K), and a very small fraction of that naturally-occurring potassium (K-40) is in fact radioactive – about one-hundredth of one percent (actually 120 parts per million). 


What is indicated in the following anagram?

heists typhoons



What Am I?

I can be looked through but I’m not a window
I have your eye pressed to me but I’m not a door peephole
I’m often placed on a tripod but I’m not a camera
I’m often pointed at the sky but I’m not a satellite dish



What is the type of immune cells that hold the promise being a universal cure for cancer, based on their ability to add to MR1 proteins on cell surfaces?



If an object is in a state of equilibrium, what can be said about all of the forces acting on the object?

The sum of all forces acting on the object is ZERO.


After carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, the next most abundant element in proteins is



Proteins that cause reactions to proceed more rapidly and lower the energy of activation are called



A major component of the interstellar media consists of charged particles that have speeds close to that of light. What are these charged particles called?

Cosmic Rays


In late 2017, NASA utilized an unusual source for navigating the International Space Station. This type of source could be the future of space exploration by acting as a cosmic lighthouse. What was the source?

Millisecond Pulsars


The image below is a stereographic projection of a sphere which results in a circle.

What would the stereographic projection of a 4-dimensional object look like?

Sphere-like or spherical


What connects today's date and the Nobel Peace Prize 2014 in terms of Science?

Malala Yousafzai learned she had won the Nobel Peace prize in her Chemistry lesson on October 10, 2014.


What is the context being played out in the following meme?

Smooth ER is involved in the production of the new cellular membranes.


What is the solar system body that was recently discovered by the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer, as seen in the image?



What took 2 decades to develop and will be launched this Fall and could very well redefine how one looks at future rosy-cheeked orbs?

Cosmic Crisp (a type of apple)


"Shaking permeates

relativity and quantum

particles connected"

Which part of modern physics is being referred to in the above haiku?

String Theory


"Oil calms rough waters.
Pour a teaspoon, we shall see
How big atoms are? 

Which type of molecules are being referred to in the above haiku?



The human phalangeal formula is



I am a type of star with a relatively low effective temperature (3,000 to 4,000 Kelvins) and have a large radius-about 100 times that of the Sun. What am I?

Red Giant


Water is ubiquitous and yet it is bizarre. In 2017, some inkling into the unusual properties of water was succinctly summarised by a Swedish research team in their statement, "Water is not a complicated liquid, but two simple liquids with a complicated relationship". What did the research team discover?

Two types of water (high-density, less ordered, fewer H-bonded & low-density, more ordered, more H-bonded) at low temperatures.


The Flash realizes that he can pass through walls when he runs at top speed. Which famous quantum mechanical expression can partly explain this phenomenon?

Schrödinger’s equation


Atoms or molecules vibrate at all temperatures above absolute zero. So, they have vibrational excited states (indicated by the horizontal lines) just like electronic excited states (indicated by the potential energy curves), as shown below in the energy diagram.

What energy of radiation should cause vibrational excitation if electronic excitation is caused by UV and Visible Energy?

Anything less than UV and Visible, such as IR or microwave.


Which medical technology connects the Beatles, EMI, and the Nobel Prize in Medicine?

CT or CAT scans developed by Hounsfield (shared the prize in 1979) with funding from the record label, EMI after profits from the Beatles.


What is being referred to by the combination of the following facts?

October 10, Retrograde, William, 17, Neptune

Triton (discovered on Oct. 10, 1846, by British astronomer William Lassell, just 17 days after Neptune itself was discovered. Largest of Neptune's 13 moons. It is unusual because it is the only large moon in our solar system that orbits in the opposite direction of its planet's rotation―a retrograde orbit.)


The sustainable future of humanity's demand for heavy metals can be met by solar-powered natural smelters like hyperaccumulators. What is being referred to here? 

Phytomining (using certain types of plants to farm metal from the soil)