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GSU Knowledge
GSU Housing
This building is located at 141 Piedmont
What is University Commons
Which business mogul is running for the 2016 presidency?
Who is Donald Trump
This person is the current President of GSU
Who is Mark Becker
What does FYRE stand for?
What is First-Year Residential Experience
GSU is located in this county
What is Fulton
This building is home to majors like Hospitality and Marketing (Be specific)
What is Robinson College of Business
Which individual won the US Men's Open Tournament
Who is Novak Djokovic (beat Roger Federer)
List the 8 colleges/schools in GSU
What are Andrew Young School of Policy Studies, Robinson College of Business, College of Arts and Sciences, College of Education, College of Law, College of Public Health, Honors, Lewis School of Nursing
Central Housing is located in what building and address
What is Citizens Trust Bank and 75 Piedmont
Name three of the countries that the Alps lie in
What is Italy, Switzerland, Germany, France, Austria, Lichenstein, Slovenia
This street address is home to the University Lofts
What is 135 Edgewood
Volkswagen just got into legal dispute for what action?
What is falsifying emissions testing
What three MARTA stations can you directly get onto campus from?
What are Georgia State, Five Points, and Peachtree Center
There are this many Greek Houses and their names are _
What is 9 and Phi Mu, Alpha Omicron Pi, Zeta Tau Alpha, Sigma Nu, Kappa Sigma, Delta Zeta, Alpha Xi Delta, Pi Kappa Phi, Phi Beta Sigma
This country was previously called Siam
What is Thailand
Name both dining halls on campus, their respective dorm, days of operation, and street address
What is Patton Dining - Patton Hall, M-F, 160 Edgewood and Piedmont Dining - Piedmont North A, 7 days a week, 175 Piedmont
Name one new device that Google rolled out September 29th and one new device Apple rolled out September 25th
What is Nexus 5x - 6p, Chromecast 2, Project Fi AND iPhone 6c
What is the name of the GSU radio station?
What is WRAS 88.5 - Album 88
These people are your Patton Hall RA's and FYRE Mentors (There are 15)
What is Jenny, Ohenewaa, Chelsea, Kyle, Mika, Steve, Aigner, Noah, Kaylen, Jake, Tuan, Brianna, Jessica, Stephen, and Joy
This river is the longest river in the US
What is the Missouri (2,341 miles compared to 2,320 miles for Mississippi)
Name 7 out of 9 buildings where you could have a core class in the downtown campus
What is Langdale, Sparks, Kell, Arts and Humanities, Aderhold, Classroom South, Standard (Music), Dahlberg, Library South
What was the score of the September 27th Atlanta Falcons game against the Dallas Cowboys?
What is 39 - 28 Falcons
How many honors programs does GSU have?
What is 2 - Honors college and Robinson College of Business Honors program
Patton Hall, University Lofts, and Greek housing all make up what "District"
What is Edgewood
You have one minute to write down as many states as possible
What are the 50 States.