The greatest teacher
Ms. Hecker
And I Say __________!
The played Song (sean this one is in your playlist to remember it)
What is the National Anthem of the U.S.S.R?
The Year that the Gaming Bois Server was created
What is 2020?
The creator of minecraft
Who is Notch?
The teacher who appreciates the second amendment
Mr. Martin (Social Studies)
This fills in the blank "Why is there a ____ _____ on the surface?"
What is Diamond Block?
The name of the Russian Requiem Song
What is Giorno's Theme?
The Youtuber of the bois who has 42 subscribers
Who is Sean?
The food that allows cows or sheep to breed
What is Wheat?
What you expect from Sean
Being A SEVY
The second most annoying sister of the bois
Who is Gavin's Sister
The Played song
What is paper's please theme?
The year that Yakko's World came out
What is 1993?
What is a Carrot?
The ranking of sevy best to worst
What is Sean Sevy, Normal Sevy, and Nick Lockhauff Sevy?
The people who call each other retarded
Who are gavin and john
Pewdiepie's first diss track towards T-Series
What is B-Lasagna?
The exact date we played the first jeopardy
What is 7/30/20?
The "Final Boss" of minecraft
What is the Ender Dragon?
The next best sevy for the class of 2026
The Actor of the Wide President MEME
Who is PUTIN?
Pewdiepie's Second diss track towards T-Series
What is congratulations?
The person who was busy with soccer practice last night and couldn't play with the bois
Who is Ari?
The required method in order to spawn the wither
What is 4 pieces of soul sand in a t shape with 3 wither skeleton skulls on top?