Addition Strategies
Subtraction Strategies
Fact Families
Doubles and near doubles
Mystery category

What are 3 addition strategies you could use to solve a problem?

What are: make a 10, use a doubles fact, use a near doubles fact, fact family

Using the words "whole" and "part", explain how to set up a subtraction equation.

Write the four facts in the fact family for 4, 9, 13

What is:

 4+9=13    9+4=13    13-9=4    13-4=9


The doubles fact I can use to help me solve 8+7= is...

What is 8+8=16 or 7+7=14?


We can change the order of the addends in an addition problem and the sum will be the same. True or False

What is true?


The doubles facts that could help me solve this near doubles fact: 6+7 = ?

What are 6+6=12 or 7+7 = 14


Juan had 18 soccer balls. He lost 9 of them. The doubles fact I can use to solve this problem is

What is 9+9=18?


Write the equation that is missing from this fact family. 9+8=17   17-8=9   8+9=17

What is 17-9=8?


The doubles fact I can use to help me solve this repeated addition sentence. 4+4+4+4= is...

What is 8+8=16?


I have 2 rows of oranges. The first row has 5 oranges. The second row has 4. Is this an array? Explain

What is no? Explanation


Draw an array and a repeated addition sentence to show this problem. There are 2 shelves on a bookshelf. Each shelf has 4 books. How many books in all?

What is 4 + 4 = 8 ? (and an array that matches)


The addition doubles fact I can use to help me solve 10-5 =?

What is 5+5=10?


The number that is missing from these 2 equations: 6+_=11  and 11-6=_ is...

What is 5?


I have 12 books and I return 6 to the library. The doubles fact I can use to help me solve this problem is...

What is 6+6=12?


5+5+ __= 15

What is 5?


The numbers I should add first to make a 10 in this problem: 1+7+3+9 = ?

What are 7 + 3 or 9 + 1


Daniel has 9 cars. Ivan has 4 fewer. The number of cars Ivan has is...

What is 5 cars?


The number of equations in a doubles fact family.

What is 2 equations?


The difference between a doubles and a near doubles fact is...

What is doubles facts have the same addends, near doubles have one addend that is one number away from being a doubles fact.


Mrs. Burger has 4 rows of desks in her room. There are 3 desks in each row. How many desks are in her room? Write the repeated addition sentence to solve this problem.

What is 3+3+3+3=12 desks?


The numbers I should add first to make a 10 in this problem.  2 + 9 + 4 + 8 = ?

What are 2 and 8?


The addition problem you can use to help you solve 15-8 = ?

What is 8+7=15?


The number of equations in a fact family.

What is 4 equations?


Write down a doubles fact that has a sum of 18.

What is 9+9?


Vitali has 12 remote control cars. He puts them in 2 rows. Fill in the blanks on this number sentence to show how many cars are in each row. __+__=12

What is 6+6=12?