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Kelso's Choice

This is a person who is in charge of a school.

A principal


Name ONE of your interests (things you like to do in your free time) 

BONUS points: Points awarded for each member that can say at least one interest in less than 15 seconds total.

Answers vary.

BONUS points given: 100 points for EACH person on your team that answered at least one thing in less than 15 seconds total.


List something students can do to be great learners. 

BONUS points: More than one right answer will earn your team more points!

Some examples are: Finish homework on time, listen to teachers, help others, follow directions, be respectful, be responsible, obey right away...


Tadpoles grow into a....



During math class, one of your friends keeps making funny faces at you. You are super annoyed and want your friend to stop. 

1) Is this a Big Problem or a Small Problem? 

2) What Kelso choice could you use?

1) It's a Small Problem.

2) You could: Ignore it, Tell them to Stop


This is a person who makes sure people are following laws and keeps people safe.

A Police Officer


Name one of your strengths (something you are good at) 

BONUS points: Points awarded for each member that can say at least one strength in less than 15 seconds total.

BONUS points: 200 points per person on your team that answered at least one strength that they have in less that 15 seconds total.


This is a school that people attend after they have graduated high school. It is where people learn about their future careers.

College, University or Technical College


Who was the first president of the United States?

George Washington


What is the difference between tattling and telling/reporting?

Tattling = small problem, telling just to get someone in trouble. 

Telling/Reporting = big problem, telling because you need adult to help, to keep someone safe.


This worker helps people when they are sick or hurt. 

Doctor or Nurse


This is a word that means "things you like to do"

Interests (or Hobbies)


Responsibility is important to doing well in school. 

What are some ways that students can show responsibility in school? 

Some examples of showing Responsibility:

Take homework home every night, finish homework and bring it back to school on time, come to school on time, follow directions, always do your best work, have your parents check your homework, listen to and obey your teacher, read directions on your assignments, etc...


What is the capital of Taiwan?



You are playing a game with your friends at recess. One of your friends keeps cheating and won't go "out" when they lost the game. 

1) Is this a Big Problem or a Small Problem? 

2) What Kelso choice could you use?

1) It's a Small Problem. 

2) You could: Talk it out, tell them to stop, go to another game...


This is a worker that keeps our school clean and tidy. 

BONUS points: if you can list 3 ways that students can help this worker.

Custodian, Janitor, or Cleaning person 

BONUS points:

SOME EXAMPLES of how students can help are- picking up garbage around school, Recycle properly, treat our school's things with respect, clean up your mess or help someone else clean, etc...


What do you think want to do for a job when you grow up? 

(If you don't know, then tell your favorite thing about 2nd grade so far.)

Answers vary.


This is how students show respect to teachers in school. Your team may earn extra points for more than one correct answer.

Listen when teacher is talking, Follow directions, saying please and thank you, raising your hand when you want to say something (not blurting), Not distracting others, being kind to others...


What is the biggest planet in our solar system?



You see a 4th grader throwing rocks at a 1st grader.

1) Is this a Big Problem or a Small Problem? 

2) What Kelso choice will you use?

1) It's a BIG Problem! 

2) You MUST: Tell an adult right away.


This is the person at school who you can talk to when you have problems. This person meets with students alone, in groups, and during classroom guidance.

Your school counselor! (Mrs. Deatsman :-) )


This is a word that means "things you are good at."


(Other acceptable answers: Talents or Skills)


What are the Morrison VFOL's (Vision for Our Learners)? Name at least 3 of the 6.

BONUS points are given if you can do this with NO help. 

Moral/Ethical Citizen 

Wise/Responsible Steward 

Effective Communicator 

Critical/Creative Thinker 

Lifelong Learner 

Christ Follower


Is a tomato a fruit or a vegetable?

It's both! 

Tomatoes are scientifically FRUIT, but are considered vegetables by nutritionists. 


You are doing an art project, and a classmate takes your markers without asking. 

1) Is this a Big Problem or a Small Problem? 

2) What Kelso choice could you use?

1) It's a Small Problem. 

2) You could: Talk it out, Tell them to stop, Share and take turns, Make a deal...