Work Habits
Character Traits
How to make a Friend
Conflict Resolution

Is putting on a bathing suit to come to school this morning appropriate or inappropriate behavior?

Answer Inappropriate Behavior 

Points +10


If a project seems overwhelming what is something you can do to make the project seem less daunting? 

Answer: Break down the big project into smaller steps or pieces. 




What does it mean to be polite?

Answer: Saying thank you, please, excuse me, having or showing behavior that is respectful and considerate of other people.

Points: -1


What is a friend?

Answer: A person who you know and have a bond with. Someone you do things with. Friends may or may not share similar interest/hobbies 

Points: +8


When I am angry what can I do to calm down?

Answer: Take deep breathes, go for a walk, get a drink, read a book, color, go to a quiet place

Points: +3


You listen carefully in class.Is this inappropriate or appropriate behavior?

Answer: Appropriate behavior

-5 points


I have a hard time staying on task when working what can I do to get better focus?

Answer: Go to a quiet space. Take a small break and then come back to work. 

Points -2 


What are some examples of being respectful or showing respect to someone? 

Answer: Think of others feelings, acting in a way that shows you care, listen to other 

Points: +8


True or false

Does a friend share?

Answer: True. Friends share and take turns 

Points: -10 


How can I tell someone they hurt my feelings?

School counselor will decide if answer is appropriate. 

Points: +5


You crawl on the floor when lining up to go to P.E. Is this inappropriate or appropriate behavior?

Answer. Inappropriate behavior 

Points +1


What are some ways I can become more organized?

Answer: Clear out clutter, get a planner, make a to do list, color code

Points +6


Describe what it means to have perseverance? 

Answer: Perseverance is the drive that helps you get past the hard stuff to get to what you want. Perseverance means you are able to wait and work through difficulties. Perseverance is the ability to do your best toward a goal, even though it’s a big challenge

Points: +4


True or False

Can friends have disagreements and still be friends?


Friends can have disagreements as long as both friends agree to disagree and treat the other with respect. Everyone can have their own opinion. 

Points: +10


You see a classmate bullying another classmate what do you do?

School Counselor will decide if answer is appropriate 

Points: +7


Is  laughing at others when they make a mistake inappropriate or appropriate behavior?

Answer: Inappropriate behavior 

Points +8


I am very shy and I get to anxious to ask my teacher questions in front of the class because I don't ask questions my grades are falling. What should I do to improve my grades?

School Counselor will decide if the answer is appropriate or not. 

Points +9


Explain what optimistic means 

Answer: Being optimistic means being hopeful and confident about the future. Optimists tend to see mistakes & failures as temporary, isolated incidents. They explain negative events in terms that are specific and within their power to change

Points: -7


My friend hurt my feelings. What do I do?

School counselor will decide if the answer is appropriate 

Points: -6


My friend hit me what should I do?

School Counselor will decide if the answer is appropriate 

Points -1


Putting your name on your paper is what kind of behavior? Appropriate or inappropriate? 

Answer: Appropriate

Points +10


I hate doing homework! Why do I need good work habits?

Counselor will decide if answer is appropriate 

Points -7


How can someone be proactive? 

Answer: Being Proactive means you are in charge of you! You are a responsible person who chooses your own actions, decisions, attitude, and moods!

Points: +5


True or False 

You can have more than one best friend?

Answer: True you can have more than one best friend. 

Points +6


What is the STAR way to problem solve?






Points: +10