Famous Person
Class Number

How long has King lived in Japan?

He has lived in Japan since May 2022.

He has lived in Japan for 19 months.


How long has Otani Shohei played baseball in America?

He has played baseball in America since 2018.

He has played baseball in America for 6 years.


How long has Ms Tokuhara been teaching English?

How long has Ms Yoshinaka been teaching English?

She has been teaching English for ...

She has been teaching English since ...


How long has Doraemon been on TV?

Doraemon has been on TV for 44 years.

Doraemon has been on TV since 1979.


12 or 8 or 31

How long has ... belonged to the ... club?

... has belonged to the ... club for ... years.

... has belonged to the ... club since ...


How long has King worked?

He has worked for 8 years.

He has worked since 2016.


How long has Kishida Fumio been Prime Minister?

He has been Prime Minister for 2 years.

He has been Prime Minister since 2021.


How long has Ms Yoshinaka been playing the piano?

How long has Ms Tokuhara been a singer?

She has been playing the piano for ...

She has been playing the piano since ...

She has been a singer for ...

She has been a singer since ...


How long has One Piece been on TV?

One Piece has been on TV for 24 years.

One Piece has been on TV since 1999.


14 or 7 or 32

How long has ... played the piano ...?

... has played the piano for ... years.

... has played the piano since ...


How long has King been a Chelsea fan?

He has been a Chelsea fan for 24 years.

He has been a Chelsea fan since 2000.


How long has Naomi Osaka been a pro tennis player?

She has been a pro tennis player for 10 years.

She has been a pro tennis player since 2013 (September)


How long has Miss Yoshinaka been in the broadcasting club?

How long has Miss Tokuhara been in the soft tennis club?

She has been in the broadcasting club for ...

She has been in the broadcasting club since ...

She has been in the soft tennis club for ...

She has been in the soft tennis club since ...


How long has Naruto been on TV? (Boruto included)

Naruto has been on TV for 20 years.

Naruto has been on TV since 2003


28 or 3 or 35

How long has ... wanted a pet?

... has wanted a pet for ... years.

... has wanted a pet since ...


How long has King played the drums?

He has never played the drums.

He has played the drums for 0 years.


How long has Oda Nobunaga been gone?

He was been gone for 441 years.

He has been gone since 1582.


How long has Miss Yoshinaka been at Kosaka JHS?

How long has Miss Tokuhara been at Kosaka JHS?

She has been at Kosaka JHS for ...

She has been at Kosaka since for ...


How long has Sazae-san been on TV?

Sazae-san has been on TV 54 years.

Sazae-san has been on TV since 1969.


18 or 11 or 2

How long has ... used a computer?

... has used a computer for ... years.

... has used a computer since ...


How long has King played tennis?

King has played tennis for 8 years.

King has played tennis since 2015.


How long has Miyazaki Hayao been the founder of Studio Ghibli?

He has been the founder for 39 years.

He has been the founder since 1985.


How long has Miss Yoshinaka and Miss Tokuhara been friends?

They have been friends for ... years.

They have been friends since ...


How long has Attack on Titan been on TV?

AOT has been on TV for 10 years.

AOT has been on TV since 2013


1 or 15 or 32

How long has ... been riding a bicycle?

... has been riding a bicycle for ... years.

... has been riding a bicycle since ...