What are Mammals and Birds?
What are Reptiles, Amphibians, and Fish?
What are some Animal Life Cycles?
How can Animals be Grouped?
Compare and Contrast
What do dogs and humans have in common?
We are both mammals!
Give two examples of an amphibian.
frogs, toads, salamander, newt
What is a Life Cycle?
A Life Cycle is all the stages of the life of a living thing, such as a plant or an animal.
Name three animal groups with a characteristic and example of each.
Amphibians- frog, smooth/wet Reptiles- snake, dry/scaly Mammals- dogs, have hair Birds- rooster, has feathers Fish- shark, has scales and gills
Name two ways that Mammals and Birds are different.
Mammals have hair while Birds have feathers. Mammals give birth to live while Birds lay eggs.
How are penguins different from other Birds?
Penguins have wings but they cannot fly.
Name one characteristic of an amphibian.
An amphibian has smooth, wet skin. Their young hatch from eggs and live in water. Most adult amphibians live on land.
What is the Life Cycle of a dog?
Young mammals start growing inside their mothers' bodies. Puppies grow inside their mother dog. When the puppies are big enough, they are born. The mother dog feeds her puppies with milk from her body. The milk helps the puppies grow stronger and bigger. As the puppies continue to grow, they begin to look more like their parents.
Name all 5 animal groups with a characteristic and example of each.
Amphibians- frog, smooth/wet Reptiles- snake, dry/scaly Mammals- dogs, have hair Birds- rooster, has feathers Fish- shark, has scales and gills
Name two differences between Reptiles and Amphibians.
Reptiles have dry skin with scales, while Amphibians have smooth, wet skin. Amphibians breathe through their gills when they are young, while Reptiles breathe through their lungs.
Gwen has an animal with wings and feathers. It lays eggs. what kind of animal does Gwen have?
Name two examples of a Reptile.
snake, lizard, turtle
Describe the stages of a frogs lifecycle.
First, a tadpole, or young frog, hatches from an egg. Next, the tadpole eats water plants and insects. It gets bigger and grows two back legs. Then, the tadpole starts to look more like a frog. It still has a tail, and now it also has four legs. It uses lungs to breathe.
How can you tell whether an animal is a reptile or an amphibian?
Reptiles have dry, scaly skin. Amphibians have smooth, wet skin.
Name two ways that Reptiles, Amphibians, and Fish are alike.
They all have their young through eggs and they all live in water.
Name five different mammals.
Humans, dogs, cats, dolphins, zebras, lions etc.
What is the only Reptile that has a shell?
How is the frog's lifecycle different from a zebra's lifecycle?
Frogs begin their lifecycle as tiny eggs. Then, they grow to be tadpoles before becoming an adult frog. Zebra's are mammals and begin their lifecycle inside their mother's body.
Which animal has scales? A. dolphin C. Salamander B. Penguin D. Shark
Compare and Contrast a Snake and a Lizard.
Snakes and Lizards are both Reptiles, they both have dry, scaly skin. Unlike a Lizard, a snake has no legs.
Which description below describes ALL mammals? A. Their bodies are covered with fur. B. Their young are carried in a pouch. C. Mother's make milk to feed young.
C. Mother's make milk to feed young.
Where do Reptiles live?
On land AND in water.
How is the Frog's lifecycle different from the Sea Turtle's lifecycle?
Young sea turtles look like their parents. Tadpoles do not look like their parents.
Most sharks give birth to live young. Most mammals give birth to live young. Is a shark a mammal? Tell why or why not.
No, a shark is not a mammal. A shark has no hair. A shark does not make milk to feed its young.
How are a Penguin and a Heron alike? F. Both Can Fly. G. Both have flippers. H. Both live where it is cold. J. Both lay eggs.
J. Both lay eggs.