True or false: feeling good about yourself is part of being healthy.
This is where I should look when someone else is talking.
at the speaker
Another word for a choice is ______________.
A goal is something you work _______ to do.
Health class is ________________.
What is _________ (answers vary)?
Name one thing that makes you special that you feel good about.
What is ___________(answers vary).
The amount of people who should speak at a time.
The result or what happens when we make choices.
True or false: To reach your goal, you must come up with a plan.
Mindful Moments helps our __________ get ready to learn.
When we feel good about ourselves, we have a _________ self-image.
One thing that a good communicator does.
What is _________ (answers vary).
An example of a hero (respectful) choice.
What is ____________? (Answers vary)
True or false: I always need a teacher or adult to help me when I make a goal.
Name one Mindful Moment we have done in health class so far today.
What is ________________ (answers vary)? Five Fingers, Listening to Breath, Body Scan, Butterfly Hug, Opposite Scavenger Hunt, Thought Awareness, Rabbit Breath, Balloon Ride, Rocks and Socks.
A word that means one of a kind.
A good communicator knows how to ______ and _______ well.
speak and listen
The four steps in the STAR decision-making model.
Stop, Think, Act, Review
The goal your class is working toward achieving.
What is _________________ (answers vary according to class)?
CARE stands for what 4 words.
Cooperation, Acceptance, Responsibility, and Effort
How you see yourself.
The letters TELL stand for...
Think, Express, Look, Listen
The reason why the hero should win, not the villain.
to make others and yourself feel good?
Make a mental picture of yourself reaching your goal, Ask yourself if the goal is realistic, Review the steps to reach your goal, Kick off your plan: These 4 steps are called...
the MARK model
True or False: Being healthy only has to do with the food you eat and getting exercise.