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What state is home to Acadia National Park?

What is Maine?


Local residents and others around the United States are concerned for the preservation of this land due to fracking in the area that surrounds it.  

What is Chaco Canyon? 


The National Register of Historic places keeps a list of all places worthy of _________?

 What is Preservation?


This National Park is home to many hoodoos.

What is Bryce Canyon National Park?

When was Yellowstone declared a National Park? 

What is 1872? 


According to popular opinion, when is the best time to visit The Grand Canyon? Dawn, Noon, Sunset

What is sunset? 


This state is home to Grand Canyon National Park.

What is Arizona?


Cape Cod National Park can be found in this state. 

What is Massachusetts? 


This park is home to flying mammals who live in caves. 

What is Carlsbad Caverns. 


Who can ensure that National Parks continue to be preserved and protected? 

What is me or us? 


This National Park can be found high in the Colorado mountains. It is home to many animals and is not far from where we live. 

What is Rocky Mountain National Park? 


The NHPA, is a law that requires the federal government to think very carefully about chages they make that can impact historic sites or resources. What does NHPA stand for? Hint...National Historic_______

What is National Historic Preservation Act


This President was called the "Conservationist President" because he supported preservation efforts all across the country. 

Who is Theodore Roosevelt?


Glacier National Park is home to many different animals, including two types of bear. What are the two types? 

What are grizzly and black bear? 


Name the first National Park.

What is Yellowstone?


Yellowstone is home to this world famous geyser and spectacular geologic wonder that erupts spraying water high into the air. 

What is the Old Faithful Geyser?


He is known as the Father of National Parks.

Who is John Muir? 


This National Historical Park was inhabited between 850 and 1250 A.D. Fears that nearby fracking would harm the area are a real concern.

What is Chaco Canyon?


This state is home to Glacier NP and many grizzly bears and black bears. It is one of our northern most states on the border of Canada. Is it Montana   Arizona   Nevada?

What is Montana?


This Cherokee tribal member was a painter, silversmith and warrior but he is most known for creating a writing system to preserve and continue the Cherokee language.

Who is Sequoyah?


The National Historic Preservation Act was enacted in this year. 

What is 1966? 


The Organic Act established the ___________,  the first government group specifically designed to preserve public lands and National Monuments.

What is National Park Service?


This was the first federal law created to protect historic properties and lands. This law gives the President the power to protect historic and natural resources on land owned by the government. Was it...the Antiquities Act, Baker Broadcast, The Constitution

What is the Antiquities Act? 


This ship, the USS Arizona, became infamous when it destroyed during the Attack on Pearl Harbor, December 7, 1941. What Pacific Island can this ship be found near?

What is Hawaii?


This person is someone who holds the highest office in the United States and can designate monuments using the Antiquities Act.

Who is the President of the United States?