How many syllables does the word "tablet" have?
When should you use an exclamation mark (!) in writing?
To show excitement/yelling
What do we call the part of the story where we meet the characters and learn about the setting?
the beginning
What word goes in the blank:
This is ___ pencil
What does the word “unhappy” mean?
not happy
How many syllables does the word "violin" have?
What punctuation mark do you put at the end of a question
a question mark
This helps readers understand the meaning of a word they don’t know by looking at the sentences around it.
context clues
What word goes in the blank:
What is over ___.
If the word “rewrite” means to write again, what does the prefix “re-” mean?
How many syllables does "butterfly" have?
What punctuation mark goes at the end of a sentence that shows excitement or strong feeling?
an exclamation mark
What do we call the problem that the main character faces in a story?
conflict or challenge
What word goes in the blank:
We will ___ for lunch.
What does the word “preheat” mean?
to heat before
How many syllables does "introduction" have?
What punctuation mark do you use to show a pause between items in a list?
a comma
This type of book gives real facts about the world, like animals or space.
What word goes in the blank:
I ___ to go to the park.
What is a synonym for sad?
Unhappy, upset, lonely
Which has more syllables: 'elephant' or 'dinosaur'?
Which two punctuation marks always go around the exact words someone says in a sentence?
quotation marks
When you make a guess about what will happen next in the story, what is it called?
A prediction
What word goes in the blank:
Can you ___ for the book on the table?
What is a synonym for hot?
warm, humid, spicy