Riddle Me This
RACE-500 hardest one

What are nouns called that mean more than one? Example: shirts, people, children, geese, books.

Plural nouns


Fill in the blanks.

When we ___________ 2 or more things we tell how they are similar.

When we ____________ 2 or more things we tell how they are different.

When we ___compare___ 2 or more things we tell how they are similar.

When we ___contrast___ 2 or more things we tell how they are different.


What has a head, a tail, but no body? (Hint: can be flipped)

A coin


How many syllables in the word nosedive?

2: nose- dive


distractor questions ask for which answers DO NOT

a. clock- short a

e. cup- short u


Pictionary Time:

1 student from your group will have 1 minute to draw a picture on the board for their group to guess.

Become an artist!


What are the 4 components of RACE strategy

Restate the question

Answer the question

Cite your evidence

Explain your evidence


Subject or Predicate? 

chased the mouse and caught it. 


the action part of the sentence


Test Review:

c. one is orange but the other can be green, red, or yellow

Reasoning: answers a and b are telling how the 2 are similar (comparing). answer d is incorrect because neither apples or oranges are vegetables


Which letter in the alphabet has the most water in it?

The letter "c"


What sound does the sh digraph make?

Name 2 words with the sh sound.

shop, shoe, show, shadow, shape, milkshake


Tcap released item question. Read the short passage.

a. upset

Reasoning- his mother asks him what's wrong. I can make an inference that his facial expression was a frown.


Brain Break!

You guessed it!


How would you restate this question?

Why do the kids prefer summer over winter?

The kids prefer summer over winter because __________________________


What do you do to make elf plural?

change the f to a ves



What type of graphic organizer do we use when we are comparing and contrasting 2 or more things? (Hint: it has 2 circles that connect in the middle)

A Venn diagram


What word begins with e, ends with e, but only has 1 letter in it?

(Hint: you can send this)



Which words have the long e sound in the sentence below?

Jim needs to go to the store. He must wake his brother up and take him too!

Needs and he


Tcap released items: Listening questions

Listen as your teacher reads a sentence and a question about the sentence. Then select the best answer.

b. the sentence I just read to you stated that a carpenter works with wood and builds things with wood. The only picture showing this was b.


Solve this mad gab riddle: Hint its not what you see but its how the words sound together

Tooth Hum Sup

Clue: You can do this with your hands

two thumbs up


Which component of RACE is this example missing? How can they fix it?

Why does dad say "if the people in the garden work hard, then the cats will work twice as hard?"

Dad says "if the people in the garden work hard, then the cats will work twice as hard because. The text says on page 28 "Catalog Cats love gardens, but they will only work hard if the people work hard." This shows that dad wants Julian and Huey to work hard in the garden.

They didn't answer the question and skipped right to their evidence.

Students give an answer to the question to receive the points.


Find the LINKING VERBS in the list: Fun, Still, Is, Am, Was, Were, We, You, Are, Everyone

Is, Am, Was, Were, Are


Challenge Yourselves! 

Compare and Contrast: Summer and Winter

Similarities- both are seasons, you get a vacation from school during both, there can be extreme temperatures during both seasons

Differences- summer gets very hot but winter is very cold, you have to wear more clothes in the winter, you can build a snowman in the winter but not in the summer


What has holes all over but still holds water?

A sponge


Which words have the same vowel sound as in the word hike?

a. hill      b. light     c. beak       d. lake     e. ice

b. light          and         e. ice


Illustrations help us understand context.

What can we learn from the picture?

a. what grade the kid is in

b. they are baking

c. what they are making

b. from the picture we can tell that they are baking.


Solve this rebus puzzle

Hint: This can be a punishment if you don't follow the rules

No TV for a week


Which is not an example of citing evidence?

a. The evidence is I saw it in the text.

b. I know because the story said it.

c. On page 17 it states "Mr. Little walked back and forward worrying about the new guests."

d. This proves that the answer is correct


The best way to cite evidence is by including the page number and the exact words from the text that prove your answer to be correct.


Find the Action Verbs in these sentences: (there are 3)

1. My mom baked me a cake before she gave me presents. 

2. Underneath the rug, Jenna hid her bad report card.

1. baked, gave

2. hid


Contrast the 2 pictures. 1 minute to find the 5 differences

Differences- apples in the tree, 3 pigs not 2, 2 horses, dog instead of a cat, lady with the girl instead of a man


How many letters are in the alphabet?

Tricked ya!!! 11 letters

the- 3 letters

alphabet- 8 letters

together that makes 11 letters


Which words have the same number of syllables as America?

a. sauce     b. nineteen    c. intelligent    d. alligator

e. banana 

4 syllables A-mer-i-ca

c. in-tel-li-gent

d. al-li-ga-tor


Test Review



The Big Bad Wolf


Double Points to the team who can create a RACE response to the question: How are the Littles different from the Biggs?

10 minutes on the clock. All teams have the chance to get the points. Each team member must collaborate. When the timer goes off, the team with the best RACE response gets double points!

Answers will vary.