Do I go up or slide down on the slide?
I slide down the slide.
When using the restroom should you wash the restroom when you're done?
During specials, I don't have to listen to specials teachers?
You must listen to specials teachers they are yours teachers as well, and you must show the same respect.
When my teacher is talking, should i be talking to my friend about what my favorite animal is and why?
Noooooo, we must show and demonstrate respect by not talking over any teacher.
When it is lunch time, should I run in and yell "I AM HERE"?
Do I jump off the swing ever?
No, I slow down and wait till it comes to a complete stop.
When using the restroom, should I be peeking over OR under stalls?!
During P.E. I can just ignore coach and do my own thing on the playgrounds?
NO. You must participate during activities, if you need a break ask/talk to coach.
When in class, should I be throwing, ripping, breaking destroying any furniture, tools, papers, equipment?
No, if you are upset take a breath or a break, talk to your teacher.
During lunch time, I should throw food at people because its funny.
No. You eat your food and whatever food you don't like you can leave in your tray to throw away in the trash.
When playing tag, do I gently tag the person or slap them really hard for them to be it?
I gently tag them
When in the resetroom should I be yelling and making all kinds of noice?
No, you go in to make your business, wash your hands and walk back to class.
During TECH should I be touching laptops that are not mine? Especially without permission?
No, everyone has a laptop so there is no need for you to be touching other peoples laptop.
When in class, should i be using bad words and or inappropriate sounds?
No. We must be respectful to ourselves and others.
During lunch I should poke holes in my milk and be silly with it.
No. You should be drinking your milk and open it correctly.
Am I supposed to throw wood chips up in the air or towards a person?
When going to or coming from the bathroom should you be running or walking?
During Library, Should I be using my outside voice and run around?
No, during library, you use your inside voice and walk.
When I see one of my friends with a cool eraser, or maker, do I go over and steal it?
No. why?
At the end of lunch I should run with my tray to the trash
No. You should be walking carefully with your food tray so you don't drop any food.
If there is equipment outside, do you keep it to yourself? Or are you supposed to share?
Share or take turns with equipment.
When i go to the restroom, should I play with the toilet paper and soap to make a masterpiece?
No. Why?
During music should I be touching Ms. Lestone's instruments?
No. Unless Ms. Lestone gave you permission or lend you an instrument you may not tough any of her instruments.
When talking to friends or adults, should I be using kind words?
Yes, talk and treat others how you would like to be treated.
Lunch time is the time to be silly and say mean things to friends
Lunch time is time to eat our lunch and talk to friends about our day.