Plant Structures and Functions
Plant Structures and Functions
Food Webs/Chains
Food Webs/Chains

What are the function of the roots?

What is to anchor the roots to the soil

What is to absorb water and nutrients


What are the 4 things that plants need to survive? 

What is water, air, sunlight and nutrients


What can be found in an ecosystem?

What is all of the living and nonliving things in a community. 


Describe the relationship between the rabbit and hawk using vocab words.

What is the rabbit is the prey and the fox is the predator 


Are plants a producer, consumer or decomposer?

What is a producer (makes their own energy!)


The leaves of a plant create _______

What is food

What is the source of all energy in the ecosystem?

What is the sun


What is an organism that is not native to an ecosystem and disrupts the balance?

What is an invasive species. 


How are seeds spread? What is this called?

What is seed dispersal 

What is by animals, air, water, humans 


What are the functions of the stem?

What is to support the plant

What is to transport water and nutrients to the rest of the plant (leaves and flower)


The frog is an invasive species. How does it impact the ecosystem?

What is creates competition with the rat for resources.

What is will reduce the grasshopper, dragonfly and butterfly population. 

What is gives food to the eagle and python, increasing their population. 


If the lion died, what would happen to the animals in the ecosystem?

What is the fox, wildcat and goat population with increase because they do not have a predator. 

There will be an increase in competition. 


What type of air do plants take IN?

What is carbon dioxide


What type of air do plants release (give OUT)?

What is oxygen


What do the arrows in a food web/chain represent?

What is the transfer of energy 


If the wildcat died, what would happen to the animals in the ecosystem?

The rabbit and rat population would increase due to no predator. 

The lion population might decrease because it has less prey, but it can still eat the fox and the goat. 

There would be an increase in competition.


Why is pollination important for plants?

What is it allows animals to bring pollen from one plant to another to reproduce and make more plants! 


What is the function of the flower?

What is to make seeds for reproduction

How are food chains organized?

What is from a lower organism (plants) to a higher organism


Why are decomposers important parts of an ecosystem?

What is decomposers break down dead plants and animals so they do not take up space. 

What is decomposers recycle the dead and give soil nutrients for plants.