
Madison had 38 crayons in her box. Her best friend gave her 24 more. How many crayons does she have now?

What is 62 crayons


Ashley has 47 cookies. Her friend has 23 cookies. How many cookies do they have all together?

What is 70 cookies


Tom has 42 toy cars. Matt has 39 toy cars. How many toy cars do they have all together?

What is 81 toy cars


Alexis had 53 cookies. She ate 20 of them. How many cookies does Alexis have left?

What is 33 cookies


Lisa made 89 cupcakes. Her family ate 60 cupcakes. How many cupcakes does she have now?

What is 29 cupcakes


Miss Ferreira's class read 62 books. Mr. MacKenzie's class read 54 books. Mrs. B's class read 50 books. How many books did the second grade read all together?

What is 166 books


Ms. T has 67 blue and yellow fish in her fish tank. She has 54 yellow fish. How many blue fish does she have?

What is 13 blue fish


Miss Glenn bought 84 pencils. She passed out 47 of them. How many pencils does she have left?

What is 37 pencils


Sara has 82 magazines. She gave some to her sister. Now she has 45 magazines. How many magazines did she give to her sister?

What is 37 magazines


The second grade class had 82 candy bars. They sold 70. How many candy bars do they have left?

What is 12 candy bars


Evan has 45 summer reading books. Dina has 32 summer reading books. How many summer reading books do they have all together?

What is 77 books


George has 86 baseball cards. He gave some of his baseball cards away. George now has 65 baseball cards. How many baseball cards did he give away?

What is 21 baseball cards


Emily had 76 silly bands. Her friend gave her some more silly bands. Now she has 99 silly bands. How many silly bandsdid her friend give her?

What is 23 silly bands


There were some people on a bus. 22 people got off the bus. Now there are 14 people on the bus. How many people were on the bus to start?

What is 36 people


When I woke up the temperature outside was 34 degrees. Later, it was 47 degrees. How much did the temperature change?

What is 13 degrees


In the morning there were 23 birds in the tree. I saw 14 more fly in to the tree. How many birds are there now?

What is 37 birds


Jordan has 57 toy cars. Dina has 23 toy cars. How many MORE toy cars does Jordan have than Dina?

What is 34 toy cars


Kim scored 30 points in a basketball game. Adam scored 10 fewer points than Kim. How many points did Adam score?

What is 20 points


Tim has 19 markers. Dave has 34 markers. How many more markers does Dave have than Tim?

What is 15 markers


Mrs. Smith's class has 26 children. Mrs. Whitehead's class has 19 children. How many more children does Mrs. Smith have than Mrs. Whitehead?

What is 7 children


Yesterday, the Pizza Palace sold 78 sodas. Today it sold 47 sodas. How many fewer sodas did the Pizza Palace sell today than yesterday?

What is 31 sodas


I sold 54 tickets on Monday. I sold 17 tickets on TUesday. How many tickets did I sell?

What is 71 tickets


I had 66 marbles. My sister took 17 of them. How many marbles do I have left?

What is 49 marbles


The band wants to sell 70 tickets to the concert. They sold 54. How many more tickets will they need to sell?

What is 16 tickets

There are 72 cookies in my cookie jar. My dad ate 14 cookies. How many cookies do I have left?

What is 58 cookies