ASMSA was opened this year
What is 1993
Name of high schoolers that integrated Little Rock Central High school
Little Rock Nine
When did the celebration of Black History Month begin?
ASMSA is one of (blank) public, residential high schools in the U.S.
What is 17
The civil rights activist who spoke at the 100's answer's graduation
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
What is the 2025 Black History Month Theme?
African Americans and Labor
Approx. the amount of graduates ASMSA has had
The local organizer of the integration of Little Rock Central High School
Daisy Bates
Who created Negro History Week that is now known as Black History Month ?
Carter G. Woodson
Approx. the amount of scholarships awarded to ASMSA graduates since it's opening
What is $350 million
Moved to Arkansas at the age of 3, this poet considered herself an Arkansan Author
Maya Angelou
Who created the first three - way traffic light ?
Garrett Morgan
Kendall's favorite color
The first publicly funded museum of African-American history and culture in Arkansas
Mosaic Templars Cultural Center
When was Juneteenth made a federal holiday ?