Molecular Speed
Which item is hotter?

The molecules of an object speed up.

What happens when an object gets warmer?


I have a sample at 6 degrees Celsius and a cup of water at 6 degrees Celsius and put them together. 

What is an example of equilibrium?


The temperature of an object gets colder.

What happens when the molecules of an object slow down?


I have two equal-sized cups of water at 8 and 10 degrees Celsius and put them in contact.

What two cups have an equilibrium temperature of 9 degrees Celsius?


An object's molecules speed up after coming into contact with a warmer object.

What happens to the molecules of an object after it touches a warmer object?


I have two samples at 6 degrees Celsius, but the larger one has more molecules and more total kinetic energy.

What is an example of a larger sample having more thermal energy than a smaller sample?