Well Defined
Its In The Grammar
Read Between The Lines
Story Meaning
Lead By Example
There are four different times an apostrophy could be used in grammar. State the four rules for usage.
What is in contractions, letter omission, possessive form and with letters/ numbers/ symbols
Dan said, "I am going to the party tonight". Demonstrates using this grammar rule properly.
What is using quotation marks with a direct statement.
Story elements that are based on evidence and/or personal thought contain this reading strategy.
What is fact and/or opinion
Suspense has 2 themes. Name and tell the elements of each.
What is mystery- detectives, crime, logical solution horror/suspense- paranormal, illogical reasoning
Peter Piper picked a pale of pickled peppers is an example of using this reading device.
What is alliteration
There are 9 rhetorical devices. name and define three of these devices.
What is analogy, alliteration, rhyme, onomatopoeia, euphemism, hyperbole, personification, simile, metaphor.
The following sentence is an example of this type of grammar usage: Hey sally, John said he will meet us at the field house after school.
What is not using a quotation mark with an indirect statement.
A tree crying leaves is an example of using this type of reading device.
What is personification
the 3 factors science fiction is based on is this.
What is real life with a futuristic twist and scientific bases.
There are 3 devices in reading that are used to compare things. Name and define the 3 devices.
What is analogy- compare within a story for similarities. metaphor- comparing without using like or as similies- compare by using like or as
name and define the four parts of a story plot.
What is conflict, climax, suspense and foreshadowing.
M's going to Baltimore in 3's so he can get some *'s and ='s. Shows the proper usage of this grammar rule.
What is using apostrophes with letters, numbers and/or symbols.
Story elements could be placed into a chart showing similarities and differences to perform this reading strategy.
What is compare and contrast
Name and define the 5 styles that nonfiction literature is able to be.
What is autobiography, biography, personal essay, memior, diary/journal
Batman is considered this type of character while the Joker is considered this type of character.
What is protagonist and antagonist
Define nonfiction literature
What is literature based on facts that can be proven with evidence that could be about a person, place, event or idea.
The following sentence properly demonstrates using this grammar rule: The team will meet at Roger's house after the championship game on Friday.
What is using an apostrophy to show possessive form.
To create a story there are 6 devices an author uses. Name the 6 devices.
What is setting, plot, characters, point of view, theme and mood
name and define the four themes of fantasy.
What is heroism, struggle, quest, coming of age
Have a summer beach bash, a 60's costume party or a winter wonderland christmas party are examples of parties with this.
What is a theme
Name and define the four ways a nonfiction story could be written.
What is chronological order, spatial order. order of importance or logical order
The following sentence properly demonstrates the usage of this grammar rule: In the movie "Beowulf" Gandolf lost his arm during a fight with the kings army.
What is using quotations around names of books or movies.
Structual devices service this purpose in a story.
What is help an author create a story by mapping it out.
There are 5 types of literature a fantasy could appear as name and define each.
What is fairy tale, tall tale, legend, myth, fable
12/ 6/ 12 today was a great day. i made a 90 on my math test and got out of school an hour early. 12/9/12 tonight i am going to club crush for the dance contest. i am nervous. i do hope i win!
What is a diary/ journal entry