what is the science of dinosaurs called?
the science of dinosaurs are called Paleontology.
what is gravity?
gravity is a force of attraction that exists between any two objects.
how much of the ocean covers the earths surface?
71 % covers the earths surface.
what is one of the names that mars got?
the red planet
what are baby bears called?
baby bears are called cubs.
how long ago did dinosaurs go instinct?
dinosaurs went instinct about 65 million years ago.
what does gravity do?
gravity keeps everything on the ground
what is the deepest ocean?
western Pacific ocean
what is the 4th planet from the sun?
mars is the 4th planet from the sun.
how many eggs can snakes lay?
they can lay one or two but they can also lay 100.
where were dinosaurs around?
Dinosaurs were around in the Mesozoic Era
where does gravity get its power?
gravity gets its power from the potential energy of the system of two objects
what is the smallest ocean?
the arctic ocean
what is the temp of the sun?
10,000 Fahrenheit
what is the fastest bird in the world?
The peregrine falcon is the fastest bird.
how many species of dinosaurs were there?
there was more then 700 species of dinosaurs.
does gravity exist in space?
most people think that there is no gravity in space but a small amount of gravity can be found everywhere in space.
how many oceans are there?
there are 4 oceans.
how many planets are there?
8 planets in our solar system.
what are baby snakes called?
baby snakes are called snakelets.
what continents have dinosaur fossils been found on?
dinosaur fossils have been found on all seven continents.
what is the percentage of the universe that is invisible?
95% is invisible
what lives in the ocean
sea animals
what is the 7th planet in our solar system
what is the smartest animal?
chimpanzees are the smartest animals.