Year of birth
What is 1952?
First job
What is tasty freeze?
How she found out she was pregnant
What is a missed period?
What is blue?
Full name
What is Constance May Freeman Grisham?
City and state born in
What is Denver, CO?
Hobbies as a teen
What is reading?
Reason she had a run in with the law!
What is speeding?
Vacation spot
What is south padre?
Longest trip
What is a 15 day cruise?
First word
What is dada?
First alcoholic drink
What is a screwdriver?
The number of places she has lived
What is 11?
What is my way?
Something she wants to but hasn't done yet
What is visit Australia?
Childhood nickname
What is Tish?
First date
What is junior prom?
Worst job
What is a dishwasher?
Guilty pleasure
What is a spa day?
Craziest thing she has ever done
What is snowmobile to the top of the continental divide?
Wanted to be when she grew up
What is a teacher?
The number of times she snuck out of the house
What is zero?
Biggest accomplishment
What is her family?
Decade of life
What is 40s?
Advice to her grandkids
What is keep God in your life, always?