Products from India, China, and other lands reached Europe. HOW?
The Silk Road
Dante Alighieri
What did Henry VIII do that make him a Reformation figure?
Created his own church, the church of England/Anglican church.
way of gaining knowledge from reason, logic, and observation.
How do we know that both balls hit the ground at the same time?
By making and experiment following the Scientific Method.
Who was Marco polo?
Merchant and Italian traveler who told stories about his journey.
What is humanism?
the study of truths about the world through reason and the scientific method.
What was William Tyndale's crime?
Translating the Bible to ENGLISH.
How was KNOWLEDGE before the Scietific Revolution?
Based on beliefs and the words of Greek writers and church officials instead of observation and logical explanations.
•He noted how other scientists, using observation, facts, experiments, and theories, were revealing the truth about how nature worked.
Francis Bacon
Positive results of the Black Death:
More money for workers, more farmland, materials, and machines, growing of Europe's economy.
How was Dante different from previous writers?
According to Luther, how can people save their souls?
By believing in God and living by the Bible.
What is a THEORY?
The explanation scientists developed based on these observations.
People must use clear thinking and reason to establish proof. I think therefore I am.
Rene Descartes
Italian trading centers:
Florence, Genoa, Milan, Venice
How can we give perspective to painting?
different sizes, lines to show depth, color to show distance or ilummination.
What is the sale of indulgences?
indulgences reduced the punishment that a person would receive for sins in the purgatory.
What is the HELIOcentric theory about?
Planets orbit the SUN.
Why science meant conflict to church?
contradicted church ideas, this weakened the church power.
Mention some of the things Cosimo did to improve the city of Florence:
Art decorations, redesign of buildings, improved education, the center of art, literature, and culture.
Why did Italian artists want to make their art look Roman?
Roman ruins where all around them, they got their inspiration from it.
Why did people started to complain about the church?
lay investiture, sale of indulgences, politic pope, church too rich, doesn't pay taxes, priests don't know basic church teachings.
How was the universe seen BEFORE the scietific revolution?
The Earth was the center of the universe.
What are the 6 steps of the scientific method?
Observation, research, hypothesis, experiement, analize results, draw conclusions.