Insecure, Confused, or lacking contact with reality
What is Unmorred?
The meaning behind the llarosas
What is a guiding and protective spirit?
What is a tone meaning happy?
An Allusion
What is a reference to a well-known person, place, event, literary work, or work of art?
Josh, who was running late, forgot his keys.
What is an example of an Adjective clause in a sentence?
The prefix meaning : "on"
What is "a"?
The quote, “I don’t know exactly why Papi left. I may never really know. But I know now it was never my fault” (256).
What quote help Eury solve her internal conflict?
A tone meaning "finding fault"
What is a critical tone?
The atmosphere and the feeling created in the reader
What is the Mood?
The running child tripped over a rock
What is an example of a participle phrase in a sentence.
What is showing uncritical satisfaction with oneself while being unaware of potential danger?
The person described as having a hard exterior
Who is Melaina?
The tone intimate
What is a tone meaning very familiar?
A type of figurative language in which a nonhuman subject is given human qualities
What is personification?
The function of the noun clause in the sentence, "I gave skydiving with friends a try"
What is an indirect object?
The Latin root : placid
What is the root word meaning "calm, gentle, and peaceful"?
Things that transcend through space and time
What are Music, Love, Pheus and Eury
A tone meaning odd, eccentric, and amusing
What is the tone "quizzical"?
A long, serious poem that tells the story of a heroic figure
What is an Epic?
The type of Phrase/Clause in the sentence, "Where are the people whom I knew?"
What is an adjective clause?
A Facade (hint : 2 answers)
1. What is the face of a building onto an open space?
2. What is an outward appearance used to conceal emotion, usually negative?
The thing that made Pheus's parents fall in love.
What is "The Beautiful Ones" by Prince?
A tone that is both optimistic and cheerful
What is sanguineous?
The continuation of a sentence from one line or couplet into the next
What is a Enjambment?
The two types of clauses/phrases in the sentence, "Running a mile a day, which is very tiring, will make you sweat a lot."
What is a Gerund Phrase and a Adjective Clause?