Jane Goodall
Lunar New Year

How are apes different than monkeys?

They don't have tails


Name one thing used to scare off the monster Nian

Fire, loud noises, and the color red


Why are flamingos pink?

They eat pink shrimp and algae


Name one important discovery Dr. Goodall made about chimpanzees

They use their faces to show their emotions, they have different personalities, they are omnivores, and they can make and use tools


Name one way Chinese dragons are different than the dragons we know of here in the Western part of the world

They have power over water, not fire; they have no wings; they are made up of parts of many animals; they are kind)


In the animal kingdom, what is a "display"?

A "dance" that one gender does to attract a mate


Name one way Dr. Goodall has helped chimpanzees to regain their lost habitats

She has spoken out against deforestation, created trainings to help people better use the land, spoken to local people on how to better use resources, and created programs to get children involved in protecting the environment


List two foods that are commonly eaten during Lunar New Year

Dumplings, spring rolls, fish, shrimp, noodles, rice pudding, fruit


What does looking at an animal's fur under a microscope help us to see?

That the fur has spots of pigment that make it look a certain color