Langston Hughes
Martin Luther King , Jr.
Marian Anderson
Maya Lin

Langston Hughes full name 

What is James Mercer Langston Hughes?


Martin Luther King, Jr. was born on this date.

Was it January 15, 1929?


Woods is to acorn as orchard is to

What is apple seed?

Jenna was shocked when she opened the door to her apartment. There were long rips in the couch, as though someone had run knives down the front of it. A lamp was shattered on the floor. Some picture frames were hanging crookedly, some of them had fallen off the wall and the door to her cat's travel cage was open. Not only that, but the door to the birdcage was swinging back and forth and there were feathers on the floor. She could have sworn that she had locked her cat in the travel cage before she left for work. At first Jenna thought it might have been burglars. Oh no, she thought. Someone broke into my apartment, trashed the place, and stole my cat! Then she heard the cat meowing in her bedroom. She ran to the bedroom and saw the cat patting one of Jenna's favorite shoes with its claws. "That's it!" Jenna yelled. "I'm done with this." She threw the cat back into its travel cage and tried to shut the door, but the lock wouldn't catch. Jenna huffed and then grabbed some duct tape.

What is the cat had gotten out of the cage?


The root word for inspiration is

What is inspire?


Marian Anderson was born

What is Philadelphia, February 27, 1897


Maya Lin is an ________ and was born_________

What is American Designer and what is October 5, 1959?


The day Langston Hughes was born

Was it February 1, 1902?


Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. won this prize.

Was it the Nobel Peace Prize?


Rural is to soil as urban is to

What is pavement?


I had finally gotten used to being weightless. It became a comfortable feeling. I especially liked floating by the window to see the planet Earth below.

I am a 

What is an astronaut?


This is the name of the county that Burnett Elementary is in

What is Douglasville?


She was the first African American to sing

What is in 1955 as a member of the Metropolitan Opera in New York City?


She is most famous for this design

What is the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C.?


The name of the university Langston Hughes attended

Was it Columbia University?


He believed in this as a way to protest the injustices faced by African Americans.

Was it nonviolence?


A blanket is to cover as a snare is to

What is trap?


The Canadian province of Quebec was originally settled by French fur traders. Eventually, cities grew to support the fur trade. As a result, other industries (such as logging) became the main source of income for residents. 

You can infer that this language is spoken in Quebec.

What is French?


This is the 46th President of United States. 

Who is President Joseph Biden?


She started singing at this age.

What is six?


She was criticized because

What is she was  young, a female, and a Chinese American?


Langston Hughes' writings influenced the Harlem Renaissance

Was it by portraying African American life?


He was born in this city.

Was it Atlanta?


Dull is to vibrant as bored is to

What is enthusiastic?


Emily and Molly both auditioned for a singing role in a musical. Emily landed a spot in the musical, but Molly did not. 

You can infer that

What is the directors thought Emily was a better singer than Molly?


The name of the city that  Burnett Elementary is in

What is Douglasville?


These people were instrumental in helping her in her career

Who were her aunt, her church, Boghetti (her teacher), and Eleanor Roosevelt?


She was this age when she won the competition

What is 21?


The name of one of Langston Hughes most famous works

Was it Montage of a Dream Deferred?


He supported this protest where many African Americans refused to ride buses.

Was it "The Montgomery Bus Boycott"?


Pilot is to ________ as engineer is to site.

What is cockpit?


Carrots are an excellent source of retinol. Retinol is a pure form of vitamin A and is essential for good vision and strong teeth. It is often found in foods such as eggs, liver, and fish. For vegetarians, the best source of retinol is carrots. 

You can infer that

What is there is more retinol found in carrots than in eggs, liver, and fish?


The phrase, "He is as busy as a bee" is

What is a simile?


She performed where in front of over 75,000 people

What is Lincoln Memorial?


She was awarded these two awards from President Barak Obama

What is The National Medal of Arts and The Presidential Medal of Freedom?