What popular blonde doll did Jack Ryan create in 1958
in 1915 President Wilson designated what holiday as the second Sunday in May
Mothers day
What is the capital of France
Which mammal has the most powerful bite in the world?
A Hippo
What southern state has the motto "first in flight" on their license plate
North Carolina
What type of doll was such a hot item in 1983 that some stores sold them for a hundred dollars each
Cabbage Patch Kids
What holiday is the unofficial end of summer that was first observed in 1984
Labor Day
What is the capital of Japan
What bird can fly backward?
A Hummingbird
What 1995 Walt Disney movie was the first entirely computer-generated film
Toy Story
What popular item for kids have been produced for years by the Binney & Smith Company
Crayola Crayons
Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania has the nations official animal connected with what winter holiday
Groundhog day
What is the capital of Switzerland
What do you call a group of crows?
A murder
What type of book could be found in every home that was first introduced in New Haven, Connecticut, in 1878
Telephone book
What huggable and ever popular toy was named for a U.S. President
The Teddy bear for Theodore Roosevelt
Presidents day combines the birthdays of which two presidents born in February
George Washington (February 22) and Abraham Lincoln (February 12)
What is the capital of South Korea
What bird is the national symbol of New Zealand?
Alamogordo, New Mexico, was the site of the first firing of what world-changing weapon
The atomic bomb
What Milton Bradley game was marketed as a "Sweet Little Game for Sweet Little Folks"
What is the meaning of wearing a red carnation on mothers day
It means their mother is still living
What is the capital of United Arab Emirates (UAE)
Abu Dhabi
How many degrees can owls rotate their heads?
270 degrees
What gangster was the FBI's first Public Enemy Number One
John Dillinger