This class (category) of animal has fins. (2 possible answers)
Animals with fins:
-mammals (dolphins & whales)
Name two things you might eat if you have an upset stomach.
Upset stomach remedies:
-Mint tea/tea
Define advantage and disadvantage
Advantage: a positive aspect, a good thing about something, a perk
Disadvantage: a negative aspect, a bad part about somethingWhen would you use a bandage? (At least one answer)
Bandage uses:
Give an example of an animal that would be exotic to Spain.
Exotic (not native) animals
-Tiger (native to Asia)
-Elephant (native to Asia and Africa)
-Llama (native to South America)
-Kangaroo (native to Australia)
True or false?
You need to go to the chemist's for a sting or a bite.
Stings and bites are not very serious. You can usually just apply aloe vera or leave them.
True or false?
A slum is a nice part of a city that is well-maintained.
A slum is a bad part of a city that is poorly-maintained. Usually slum is an insulting word with a negative connotation.
Name 2 types of fish in English.
Types of fish English:
-cod (bacalao)
-shark (tiburón)
-salmon (salmón)
-anchovy (anchoa)
-tuna (atún)
-bass (lubina)
Name 2 animals that have horns or tusks.
Animals with horns or tusks:
Name 3 symptoms of a cold or flu.
Symptoms of a cold or flu:
-Sore throat
-Breathing problems
-Muscle pain
Name 2 examples of open spaces
Examples of open spaces:
-Urban farm
-High street/downtown
True or false?
Stray animals are animals that have a home and family.False!
Stray animals are animals that are not cared for, with no home/family.Name 4 animals with whiskers
Animals with whiskers:
-Sea lions
True or false?
A long time ago, doctors would drain blood out of people, because they thought diseases lived in the blood.
A long time ago, doctors would drain blood out of people, because they thought diseases lived in the blood.
Now we know this doesn't help someone heal.
True or false:
Traffic jams happen when motorways are too wide.
Traffic jams happen when motorways are too narrow.
True or false?
Mosquitoes sting, but bees bite.
In English, we say that mosquitoes "bite," and that bees "sting."
What does it mean if an animal is endangered?
Endangered definition:
This means that an animal is at risk of extinction. Usually there are very few of them left in existence. They might mainly live in zoos or shelters.
Reasons to take a tablet
-Muscle pain
-Sore throat
True or false?
Graffiti is always a bad/negative thing.False!
Graffiti can be a beautiful addition to buildings and towns.
What does it mean if an animal is invasive?
Invasive definition:
An animal/plant is invasive when it is exotic (not native to an area), and multiplies very quickly, harming native animals/plants.