This Orwell classic features Napoleon the pig
What is Animal farm?
Leave yourself some options; don't put all of these chicken products "in one basket"
What are eggs?
Explorer Bartholomew Gosnold gave this Massachusetts cape it's "fishy" name
What is Cape Cod?
The winged foot of Mercury appears in the logo of this tire and rubber company
What is Goodyear?
The national peanut board says about half the U.S. edible use of peanuts is in this product
What is peanut butter?
George and Lennie are ranch hands in this John Steinbeck book that takes it's title from a Robert Burn's poem
What is Of mice and men?
To break a silence, offer this coin "for you thoughts"
What is a Penny?
This undersea explorer won an oscar for his 1959 short film "The golden fish"
Who is Jacques Cousteau?
Originating in the bible, it's a compassionate person who unselfishly helps others
What is a Good Samaritan?
On an analog clock, the hour hand will make this may revolutions a day
What is 2?
Hazel Lancaster and Augustus Waters are young people in love in this novel by John Green
What is The fault in our stars?
If you meet expectations, you "cut" this condiment
What is Mustard?
Looking for gold in 1541, De Soto led the first European expedition to reach this U.S. river
What is the Mississippi River?
Robert Frost wrote that "Good fences make" these
What are (is) Good Neighbors?
In October 2011, the U.N. declared the population of the world had reached this milestone number
What is 7 Billion?
A shy teenager named Charlie is the hero of a book called "The perks of being" one of these
What is Wallflower?
Something very expensive is said to "cost" you these 2 limbs
What is an arm and a leg?
He is the first man to walk on the moon
Who is Neil Armstrong?
The end of the war of 1812 helped usher in a period of U.S. history known as "The era of" these
What are good feelings?
This was the first animal to be successfully cloned
What is a sheep?
Arthur "Boo" Radley is the reclusive neighbor of "Scout" in this classic American novel from 1960
What is To kill a mockingbird?
If you want proof of something, you can say, "show me" these sales slips
What are the (is) receipts?
Columbus and Magellan turned to Spain for financing after kings of this country turned them down
What is Portugal?
This brand of pink and white licorice candy has been around since 1893
What is Good and Plenty?
The U.S. government owns more acres of land in this state than in any other
What is Alaska?
Captain Nemo pilots the Nautilus submarine in this classic adventure novel
What is 20,000 Leagues under the sea?
You break "this" when you initiate a conversation or ease tension in a social situation
What is Ice?
This Norwegian led the first expedition to reach the South pole and possibly the first to reach the North pole
Who is Roald Amundsen?
This 2005 hit from Gorillaz, features hip hop group De La Soul and was nominated for 3 Grammys
What is Feel Good Inc.?
in 2016 Russia spent almost $200,000 to maintain the mummy of this Soviet leader who rests in red square
Who is Vladimir Lenin?