Sharon wants to measure the effect of different amounts of sunlight on how tall plants grow. What is her independent variable?

amounts of sunlight


Sully conducts a study to determine whether the amount of sleep a student gets affects test scores. What is the independent variable?

the amount of sleep


Javier wants to know whether or not the amount of time spent playing soccer is related to a person's happiness. What is the dependent variable?



Richi wants to know whether the type of music played for babies when they are going to sleep affects the amount of time it takes them to fall asleep. What is the dependent variable?

the amount of time it takes babies to fall asleep


Alexandra is always cold in the classroom. She decides that she wants to test the effects of the classroom temperature on the alertness of the students. What is her independent variable?

classroom temperature


Mike wants to measure the effect of different amounts of sunlight on how tall plants grow. What is his dependent variable?

how tall the plants grow


Kevin wants to determine if different jokes make the students participate more in class. What is the dependent variable?

classroom participation (how much the students are participating)


Deanna wants to know whether stretching before working out decreases the amount of injuries among basketball players. What is the dependent variable?

risk of injury (could be measured in the amount of injuries)


Guido and Edison want to learn whether listening to different types of fast-paced music helps runners perform better during a marathon. In an experiment, one group of runners listens to fast-paced music while another group listens to slow-paced music. What is the independent variable?

the pace of the music


Erica wants to know whether your appetite is affected by different amounts of caffeine. What is the 1) independent variable and 2) dependent variable?

1) amount of caffeine consumed

2) how hungry you are


Freddie wants to test three medicines that supposedly prevent sneezing in people allergic to grass. 1) What is his dependent variable? 2) what is the independent variable?

1) how much they sneeze

2) the medicine


Fania thinks that reading is very important. She wants to test the effects of time spent reading each night and if it affects ELA scores. Name 2 Control Variables.

Age, Same Student, Same Book???


Daly is a professional ballet dancer. She wants to investigate the effects of the height of dancers on how high they can jump. What is the 1) independent variable and 2) dependent variable?

1) the height of the dancers

2) how high they can jump


Javier wants to see if having different tempos of songs affects how many people dance. 1) What is the independent variable? 2) What is the dependent variable?

1) tempo of songs (how fast, how slow?)

2) the number of people dancing


Jonathan wants to compare brands of paper towels, to see which holds the most liquid. He uses water as his liquid. What is the dependent variable?

1) Absorbancy 


Jeff wants to see what type of chewing gum is the best for long-lasting flavor.  What is the dependent variable?



Lulu wants to test whether the amount of physical activity at recess affects 5th graders' levels of concentration in class. What is the dependent variable?

level of concentration in class


Carlitos is a big fan on the Barcelona soccer team. He goes to every game. Carlitos wants to know whether the players score more goals depending on how loudly the fans cheer. What is the 1) independent variable and the 2)dependent variable?

1) how loudly the fans cheer

2) how many goals the soccer players score


Marco Jose, Luis, and Ezequil wish to know whether worker productivity is increased when different genres of music are played in the workplace. What is the 1) independent variable and the 2) dependent variable?

1) music genre

2) worker productivity.


Jimmy wants to know if different types of student behaviors affect his teacher's mood.  What is the Independent Variable?

Student Behaviors


Payton wants to see if different amounts of sleep hours affect test scores.  1) Dependent Variable? 2) Independent Variable?

1) test scores 2) sleep hours


Lulu wants to test whether the amount of physical activity at recess affects 5th graders' levels of concentration. What is the 1) independent variable 2) control variable? 

1) amount of physical activity

2) the grade level of the students (5th grade)


Maria is a fan of the Dallas basketball team. She goes to every single one of their games and wants to know whether or not the day of the week affects how well the players play. What is the 1) independent variable, 2) dependent variable

1. IV: day of the week

2. DV: how well they play


Gina wonders if different kinds of chocolate are healthier for the human body?  What is the Independent Variable?

1) Chocolate


What is the best subject on 6-4 Orange?