Author's Purpose
Multiple Meaning Words
Text Structure
Central Idea
Grammar (Adverbs, Pronouns, Plural Nouns)

What is the Author's Purpose in the story below?

Two friends went to the park. They swung on the swings and went higher and higher. Then they went down the slide.Whee!

A. Persuade    B. Inform    C. Entertain

To Entertain


Dad watched carefully as he was driving so he could find the exit ramp. 

A. a door or other opening to get out of space

B. to leave a room

C. the place for a car to leave a highway

C. The place for a car to leave a highway


Name the text structure that uses keywords such as:

First, Next, Then, Finally

Years, and Dates

Sequence, Chronological Order


Which sentence states the central idea?

Niagara Falls is one of the most beautiful sights in North America.  It is on the Niagara River halfway between Lake Ontario and Lake Erie.  Niagara Falls is located on the American and Canadian border.  The American Falls is 167 feet high.  On the Canadian side, the Horseshoe Falls is 161 feet high.  

Niagara Falls is one of the most beautiful sights in North America.


Does a prefix come before or after the base word?

 Before the base word


What is the adverb in the following sentence?

The class quietly worked on their writing.



Plants need a lot of care. Put your plant in a pot. You need to water your plant each week and make sure it gets enough light.

A. Persuade    B. Inform    C. Entertain

To Inform


Little Joey colored in his Super Fire Dude coloring book. He colored the shirt light blue. 

A. to set down after flying

B. pale in color

C. not weighing very much

B. pale in color


What type of text structure tells about events that happen in order (first, next, then, last)?

A.  Compare and contrast

B.  Cause and Effect

C.  Problem and solution

C. Sequence (also known as chronological order)

C. Sequence (also known as chronological order)


What is the TOPIC of this passage.

The Statue of Liberty is visited by thousands of people every year.  The Statue of Liberty is a 151 foot statue of woman holding a book and a torch. It was a gift of friendship from the people of France.  It has become the universal symbol for freedom.    

The Statue of Liberty


The prefix "im-" means ___________.



Identify the adverb in the sentence.

Mom carried the laundry upstairs.



What is the author's purpose for writing this:

The Slim-O-Matic will cause you to lose pounds and inches from your body in one month. This amazing machine helps you to exercise correctly and provides an easy video to show you the proper way to exercise. Send $75.99 and begin exercising today.

A. To Inform    B.  To Entertain     C.  To persuade

 C.  To persuade 


She took a trip to Florida.

A. Be careful, or you will trip!

B. We planned our trip together.

C. I trip over things very often.

B.  We planned our TRIP together.


Why would a scientist use sequence structure in their writing?

A. To show what tools they use

B. To explain where they work

C. To explain why their job is fun

D. To show what steps they use for experiments


What is the central idea:  

The Erie Canal changed the way people moved goods in the 1800’s.  The 363 mile canal connected Albany, New York to Lake Erie in Buffalo for the first time.  When the Canal opened in 1825, building supplies and goods could be transported quickly and cheaply across New York State.  Canal boats pulled by mules carried people and supplies across New York.

Central Idea:  Lake Erie changed the way people moved goods.  


After waiting in line for an hour, I began to feel __________. (Which prefix is correct?)

A. unpatient

B. nonpatient

C. impatient

C. Impatient = not patient.


Find the pronouns in the sentence. 

Do you want to eat lunch with them? 

You, them


Why did the author of the story "The U.S. Constitution" use the heading "The Parts of the Constitution" on page 230 in our reading book?

A. To make the text look more organized

B.  To inform the reader that the Constitution was signed in the year 1787

C.  To tell what the central idea of that part of the selection is.  

C.  To tell what the central idea of that part of the selection is.  


I turned on the light so I could see better.

A. The feather was very light.

B. She wore light colors because
it was going to be a hot day.

C. There is only one light in the living room.

C.  There is only one LIGHT in the living room. 


What are the "legs" when discussing the central idea?

The details


Think about the suffix "-er." What is the meaning of the word "faster" as used below:

Briar runs faster than Ms. Gill

A.  Briar can run more quickly than Ms. Gill.

B.  Ms. Gill is slower than any student her in class.

C.  The quickest runner in the entire school is Briar.

A.  Briar can run more quickly than Ms. Gill.


Change the word to plural form:



Why does the author put the word "stop" in all capital letters in the following sentence?

Kristopher, you have to STOP before crossing the street or you will get hit by a car!

The author wants to express how important it is to stop before crossing the street, or he might get hit by a car. 


Will you check my answers for me?

A. Mom wrote a check for the fieldtrip.

B. I will check and see if the cat is
in the house.

C. If you get a check it means the answer is correct.

B.  I will CHECK and see if the cat is in the house. 


How do subheadings tell the reader?

What that section is mainly about

The central idea of that section


Think about the suffix "-est." What is the meaning of the word "fastest" as used below:

Adalynn is the fastest runner in 3rd grade.  

A. Tyssen is fastest than the other boys.

B. Adalynn can run more quickly than Briar.  

C. Adalynn can run more quickly than any other kid at the school

C. Adalynn can run more quickly than any other kid at the school


Change the word to plural form:

