Favorite color
What is the color green?
Favorite Band
Who is System of A Down?
High School Sport
What is football?
College Major
What is biochemistry?
Favorite drink
What is coffee?
High school
What is Gladstone High School?
Second favorite band
Who are the misfits?
Favorite NFL team
Who are the eagles?
Where is Mt. SAC and CSUSB?
Favorite movie
What is the Nightmare Before Christmas?
First Legal Job
What is Del Taco?
Favorite hip hop artist
Who is Kid Cudi?
Sport as a kid
What is basketball?
College Club
What is the bio club?
What is Salvadoran and White?
First job
Worst Concert
Who is Jimmy Eat World?
Favorite tracks events
What is long jump and triple jump?
Initial Major
What is nursing?
First car
What is a 1994 Toyota Camry?
Where is Palmdale?
What are handbells?
Favorite NFL player
Who is Bryan Dawkins?
HS club
What is the AV and IT club?
Favorite anime
What is Trigun?