Is this sentence correct?
I like the apples more than the pears.
I like apples more than pears.
Which word does not belong to this sequence?
It's lamb
Which of these has a long vowel sound?
chose, could, built, learnt
It's learnt
Members of the band The Beatles
John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, Ringo Starr
Is this sentence correct?
I never argue with my brother about videogames.
Which sentence is correct?
a) I haven't to be on time for the meeting. I can be late 10 minutes late.
b) I will can go to the cinema tomorrow with you.
c) He would has been able to come if he had known about it.
d) If your sister were here, she would complain about everything.
Letter d) If your sister were here, she would complain about everything.
Which adjectives are positive and which adjectives are negative in the following list?
bossy, insecure, independent, moody, reliable, spoilt, stubborn.
Positive: independent, reliable
Negative: bossy, insecure, moody, spoilt, stubborn
Which of these words have a different vowel sound?
caugh, caught, bought, brought, fought, taught, tough
Where is it called "ground floor" the floor that is street-level?
Great Britain or America?
Great Britain
Correct the sentence:
If you're not carefully, you'd drop the baby.
If you're not careful, you'll drop the baby
Which sentence does NOT accept "that"?
a) The man who killed my brother is number 5.
b) I love police TV series which have charismatic characters.
c) It's a tree whose leaves never fall.
It's c) It's a tree whose leaves never fall.
Which of these words is NOT both a verb and a noun?
cost, book, waste, tax, owe
It's owe
In which two of these words the E of the "ED" ending is pronounced?
filmed, stopped, used, recorded, booked, naked
In recorded and naked
Which was the first country to gain independence from The United Kingdom?
The United States (1776)
Who won the oscar for best actor for "The Revenant"?
Leonardo DiCaprio
Make a conditional sentence with this information:
win lottery / buy a yacht
If I won the lottery, I would buy a yacht.
Classify this verbs with the part of the body you use with them:
bite, kick, nod, stare,
Bite: teeth/mouth
kick: feet/toes/legs
nod: head
stare: eyes
Which -able ending is different than the others?
Comfortable, suitable, enable, excusable, manageable
It's enable
First animated film to be nominated for Best Picture at the Oscars
The Beauty and the Beast (1991)
Correct the sentence
Because of I live on the country, I am not often visit by friends.
Because/Since/As I live in the country, I am not visited often by friends.
Make the passive AND the reported speech of this sentence:
"Mark said: somebody gave me some nice flowers!"
Mark said he was given some nice flowers.
Which verb has the wrong preposition?
- pay for
- spend in
- lend to
- charge for
It's spend in
Which words don't have a silent consonant?
fasten, mortgage, salmon, aubergine, answer, walk, design, autumn, raspberry, affectionate
Answer: aubergine and affectionate
Who scored better at the last PISA reports in each category: reading, mathematics and science? The UK or the USA?
The UK in all 3 categories
Classify the words between British and American
movie-film / lift-elevator / cookie-biscuit / shop-store / car park - parking lot / chips - fries / favor - favour / lorry - truck / allowance - pocket money / postman - mailman
British: film, lift, biscuit, shop, car park, caravan, chips, favour, lorry, pocket money, postman
American: movie, elevator, cookie, store, parking lot, fries, favor, truck, allowance, mailman