R/P labels
Misc. (theories, chaining, peak shift, etc.)

TJ's grandma sent him a card and money for his birthday. What contingency is this?

Positive reinforcement

Amanda enjoys playing music for its own sake, Hannah plays music because it makes her mom happy. The reinforcer for Amanda is ___ and for Hannah it is ___.

intrinsic; extrinsic


Every house that Lennox goes to on Halloween gives him candy.

Fixed ratio


What is it called when there is the reappearance of an extinguished behavior after some time has passed, despite the lack of reinforcement

Spontaneous recovery


In peak shift - if there is a rat that is trained on a S+ of 375 dB and a S- of 325, what could be an expected value of the new peak?

Anything greater than 375 (within reason)


Zia's dad said he'd pay her rent so that she didn't have to only if she got a 3.5 GPA or higher. What contingency is this?

Negative reinforcement


I enjoy going to class because I like to learn new things. What labels might be used here?

Secondary, extrinsic, immediate?, generalized?, natural


The bar I play trivia at posts a hint on social media every Tuesday. I have to go to the page to be able to get the hint. 

Fixed interval


Which person will continue to visit a restaurant that has gotten rid of the best special item longer? The person that has been 100 times or the person who has been 20 times?

Person who's been 100 times

If I scroll on my phone all day and only occasionally study, the Premack Principle of punishment suggests which behavior can be a punisher

Studying can be a punisher for scrolling on the phone


Which two types of contingencies have aversive stimuli?

Positive punishment and negative reinforcement


You're playing a video game and you make the wrong decision and die right away. What labels could be used here?

Immediate, secondary, extrinsic


A pizza place offers you free food for a year if you can finish their giant pizza within 30 minutes



Candace's best friend moved away for college so Candace reached out to her old bff who she knows is staying in the same town. What side effect of extinction is this?



If I know that I'm going to leave my cat at home for a weekend while I'm on vacation, I'm going to give him extra affection because I'll miss him. What type of contrast is this?

Anticipatory contrast


Gollum held tight to the ring, but it was making him insane. What contingency is this?

BONUS: what is happening here that Gollum still wants the ring?

Positive punishment; the reinforcers are more salient than the punishers (or maybe insanity itself is reinforcing?)


Umbridge's special punishment quill carved words into Harry Potter's hand after he argued with her. What labels might you give this punisher?

contrived, extrinsic, primary, delayed


Sometimes when I get to campus I get a really good parking spot. I never know when I'll next get lucky. 

Variable ratio


How does extinction in operant conditioning differ from extinction in classical conditioning?

In OC it is a removal of reinforcement, in CC it is no longer pairing the CS with the US


Learning to write neatly is a ____ process, while learning to write an APA paper is more like a ____ process



Jumping in the shower after getting dirty is a _____ response. This is part of which contingency of operant conditioning?

escape response; negative reinforcement


A parent hits their child to make them stop having a tantrum. What are the labels we could give this punisher?

BONUS: What are some side effects that may occur due to the PP?

contrived, immediate?, extrinsic, primary

aggression, suppression, avoidance, emotional responses, etc. also accept side effects of corporal punishment


When I'm sharpening my pencil manually, I need to turn the pencil continually until it is sharpened.

Variable duration


What is Partial reinforcement extinction effect (PREE)?

It is resistance to extinction because you are on a schedule that is more spread out or a variable schedule. You don't know when you'll next be reinforced anyway, so you keep trying


Describe the different components of the fixed ratio graph (posted externally)

Should mention ratio run, breaking point, and post-reinforcement pause