What does AOS mean
Average order size
What kind of language do you use to up sell
What can you add to a business card on the corners
Round corners
What famous Montanan was born in Butte in 1938 and rose to national fame after changing his name (birth name: Robert Craig)? After a career of increasingly impressive stunts, he publicly converted to Christianity later in life and was baptized at a televised congregation.
Evel Knievel
What is the April birthstone?
How many quote quantities should you quote if someone want 500
1000 1500 or three different quantities
What kind of deals can we offer
Coupons, bundle get % off
What of finishing requires a cut out
Die cut
Although it has a name that sounds more like an unpleasant additive to a salad, what is the official state flower of Montana?
What is the main spring allergy trigger?
What do you do to get your AOS higher
You up sell
What kind of social proof can we share with our customer to up sell
Customer reviews, testimonials and past order success.
What con you do instead of a spot UV
Clear foil
What ski resort in southwestern Montana proudly claims to host the "Biggest Skiing in America"?
Big Sky Resort
Which country did the Easter Bunny tradition originate from?
What is shiny that you can add to a business card to get your AOS higher
Foil, Spot UV, gloss UV
What should be understand before we offer an up sell.
Customer Needs
What machine does foil happen on
What river in Montana is the longest contiguous river in the U.S. without a dam?
In Sweden and Finland, what do children dress up for Easter?
Easter witches
Does ordering more double the price of brochures?
Fill in the blank: Offer a few _______ upsell choices that are clearly aligned with the customer's initial purchase
When should you up sell any finishing
on any product
Electric, Dooley, and Copperopolis are three communities in Montana that share what haunted condition?
Ghost towns
What is the best-selling Easter candy?
Cadbury Creme Eggs