A Little Bit of This
A Little Bit of That
Some Definitions
More Questions
More Stuff You Should Know

This strand would cover balancing and sending/receiving objects  

Movement competence


What was the name of the song we danced to yesterday?

Shake it off

In what grade do students learn about real and fictional violence?

Grade 3


Cannabis is covered in this grade

Grade 6


This is the current population of Canada

37.06 million


These are the four strands of HPE

Social Emotional Learning, Active Living, Movement Competence, Healthy Living


Give two examples of DPA

Jumping jacks for multiplication, circuit training, running to the board to write, Dances (Whip/Nae nae), Simon Says, tag, run a lap/laps around the school yard, yoga,e tc.


This is defined as the competence and confidence to participate a wide variety of physical activities that benefit the development of the whole person, developing the motivation and ability to understand, communicate, apply, and analyze different forms of movement. These skills enable individuals to make healthy, active choices throughout their life span that are both beneficial to and respectful of themselves, others, and their environment

Physical literacy 


Differences of prescription and non-prescription drugs are covered in this grade

Grade 2


List three management strategies that we discussed in terms of HPE

have a warm-up routine, cool -down, mix between games with teams and more individual pursuits, use behavioural students to help model, talk to resistant students about what sports or games that they enjoy, have students repeat rules back to you to ensure understanding, etc.


These are the four categories on the achievement chart

Knowledge & Understanding, Thinking, Communication & Application


This is the grade we start talking about proper terminology for body parts, including genitalia

Grade 1


What are three strategies for teaching students about sexual health?

Normalizing terminology, diagrams, matching definitions, scenarios, question boxes


This grade and strand covers oral hygiene/health

Grade 2, Healthy Living


These are two methods of assessing in HPE classes, particularly when in the gym

Anecdotal observation, checklists, Student- led assessments, checkbrics, documentation (photo or video), self-assessment posters, exit cards, discussions on how to improve, etc.


These are the three components of DPA

20 min, scheduled during instructional time and can occur anywhere


This strand would cover managing emotions, coping with stress and motivation/perseverance 

Social Emotional Learning (SEL)


An approach developed to teach children sport by playing games instead of isolated skills.

What is TGFU?


What is something to consider when teaching about healthy eating?

students' backgrounds & access to food, the idea of sometimes food or everything in moderation. 


These are two ways to engage your students to critically think about caring and exploitative behaviours

scenarios, role play, watching videos & discussion, reading a story book, drawing both behaviours, etc.... (any of the two)


The Inquiry Process is comprised of these five components

Questioning, Gathering Data, Interpreting & Analyzing Data, Evaluating/Drawing Conclusions, Communicating/Presenting

What are the three phases of movement?

Preparation, execution and follow through


Maintaining eye contact on a target, interpreting feedback from a friend, discussing how students can improve are examples of this movement competence skill/strategy?

Finding tactical solutions to increase the chances of success


These are the basic rules of Borden Ball

3 seconds, 3 steps, ball changes possession when bounced, no entering the goalies crease, etc.


These are the components which every lesson should have according to your last assignment (need at least 80%)

Overview: Objectives: Expectations: specific, cross-strand & cross curricular Materials: Prior Knowledge: Accommodations/Modifications Details: pre (hook), during & post (wrap up) Assessment: Extension: