Classic Films and their Stars
fill in the blank

He starred in the first talkie, "The Jazz Singer".

 Al Jolson

 Charlie Chaplin

 Buster Keaton

 Lon Chaney

Answer: Al Jolson


What is the name of Abraham and Sarah's son?





Answer: Isaac

Part of the story of Isaac can be found in Genesis 21. Isaac was the only son of Abraham and Sarah. Isaac was born when Abraham was 100 years old. Isaac married Rebekah, and they had two children, Esau and Jacob.


This state is the second largest in the USA and is bordered by several states including Oklahoma and New Mexico. Which state is it?Hint





Answer: Texas

Texas is the second largest state landwise. The first is Alaska and the third is California. Other states that border Texas are Arkansas and Louisiana.


'King of the _______'





Answer: Road


His co-star was Marlene Dietrich in "Morocco".

Answer:  (Two Words)

Answer: Gary Cooper


How tall was Goliath (according the the KJV; found in 1 Samuel 17:4)?

 9 feet and 3 cubits

 9 cubits and 5 inches

 6 cubits and a span

 8 feet and 7 inches

Answer: 6 cubits and a span

Goliath was 6 cubits and a span, which is 9 feet, 9 inches tall. A cubit is about 19 inches. He was killed by David. Goliath was a Philistine, and David was a Jew. David slung a stone with his slingshot and stunned him, then made sure he was dead by chopping his head off with a sword.


This state is remembered by young children as MI crooked letter crooked letter I crooked letter crooked letter I humpback humpback I. It is bordered by Alabama and Tennessee.

Answer:  (One Word)

Answer: Mississippi

Mississippi is also bordered by Arkansas and Louisiana, but they are across the Mississippi River.


'You Don't Know ______'





Answer: Me


Claudette Colbert was his co-star in "It Happened One Night".

Answer:  (Two Words)

Answer: Clark Gable


Who baptized Jesus?


 He wasn't baptized.

 John the Baptist


Answer: John the Baptist

Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist, His cousin. John the Baptist first objected, saying that Jesus should baptize him, not the other way around. After Jesus was baptized, God came down in the the form of a dove, saying, "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased." (Luke 3:12-22)


This mitten state is surrounded by the Great Lakes. To the south are Indiana and Ohio.Hint



 New York


Answer: Michigan

Michigan is shaped like a glove. If you take Interstate 69 in Michigan to Highway 402 to Highway 401 to Highway 403 to Highway QEW in Canada it will take you to Niagara Falls and New York. This is a shorter route to drive than the alternative of driving from Michigan through Ohio and Pennsylvania.


'Mammas, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be ____________'






Who portrayed Nick Charles in "The Thin Man" films?

 Gary Cooper

 Paul Muni

 Lionel Barrymore

 William Powell

Answer: William Powell


How many apostles of Jesus were at the Last Supper?





Answer: 12

The twelve original apostles of Jesus were: Simon Peter, Andrew, James, John, Philip, Nathanael A.K.A. Bartholomew, Thomas, Matthew, another James, Lebbeus A.K.A. Thaddeus, Simon, and Judas. This can be found in Luke 6:12-49.


This state is home to the largest naval port in the world. There is a west one of this state also. It is bordered by North Carolina and Kentucky. What state is it?

Answer:  (One Word)

Answer: Virginia

Norfolk, Virginia is home to the largest naval base in the world. It lies on the Chesapeake Bay. Take highway 13 from Norfolk, cross the Chesapeake Bay, and head north to Maryland where Washington D.C. is located.


'By the Time I Get to __________'







He gives an excellent comedic performance as Jerry Warriner in "The Awful Truth" (1937).

Answer:  (Two Words or last name only)

Answer: Cary Grant


In the New Testament, people began to call Saul by a different name. What is it?




 His name didn't change.

Answer: Paul

When he was called Saul, he was a very bad man, and he killed Christians. God suddenly made a very bright light flash around him, causing him to go blind. This is when God spoke to him. He told him to go to the city, and there he would be given further instructions.


Which of these states is not preceded by "New"?Hint





Answer: Carolina

Since people complained that Virginia doesn't have a direction in front of it, while technically one of the Virginia's does- West Virginia, I changed the question completely, otherwise it would not have been tricky enough. New Hampshire and New York are located on the East coast and New Mexico borders Arizona as well as Texas.


'Coal Miner's __________'







Who starred as Father Flanagan in "Boys Town"?

 Bing Crosby

 Spencer Tracy

 James Stewart

 Henry Fonda

Answer: Spencer Tracy


What Bible character is known for long hair which made him strong?





Answer: Samson

Samson was a very strong man. One night, Delilah came and cut it short so he would not be strong. This is found in Judges 15:9-16:21.


Which of these states does Historic Route 66 not go through?Hint





Answer: Colorado

Historic Route 66 goes from Santa Monica, California through Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri, and ends in Chicago, Illinois. The movie "Cars" (2006) is set around this old highway. This route was approximately 2,448 miles long.


 'I Love a Rainy _______'







Jefferson Smith in "Mr. Smith Goes To Washington".

Answer:  (Two Words)

Answer: James Stewart


Which of these was NOT thrown in the fiery furnace?





Answer: Cadillac

These men were thrown in the fiery furnace because they followed God. The furnace was so hot that it instantly killed the guards that threw them in. A few minutes later, someone looked in, and saw 4 men in there. The fourth one is sometimes thought to be Jesus. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego walked out without a scratch or burn on them.


 Interstate 40 begins in this west coast state and ends in this east coast state. Which two states are they?Hint

 Oregon, Pennsylvania

 Washington, Georgia

 California, Virginia

 California, North Carolina

Answer: California, North Carolina

I-40 runs from Barstow, California all the way to North Carolina. It goes through California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Tennessee, and ends in North Carolina. This interstate is approximately 2,554 miles long.


'Oh, Lonesome _____'







The girl with the beautiful voice in "The Wizard of Oz".

Answer:  (Two Words or last name only)

Answer: Judy Garland


Who was swallowed by a "big fish"?





Answer: Jonah

God wanted Jonah to go to Nineveh to preach to all the wicked people there, but Jonah did not want to go. He went to Joppa and got on a ship, thinking that God wouldn't see him. God saw him, and sent a big storm, which made the crew think it was about to sink.


How many states are there with a "New" in front?Hint





Answer: 4

New Hampshire, New York, New Mexico, New Jersey are the four states beginning with "New". There are quite a few cities that begin with new like New Orleans. New England is not a state it is just what people call the NE region of the U.S.


'(Hey, Won't You Play) Another Somebody Done Somebody Wrong ______'







"Stagecoach" was one of his first westerns.

Answer:  (Two Words or last name only, Pilgrim)

Answer: John Wayne


Who does the Bible describe as God's chosen people?





Answer: Israelites

The Israelites are God's chosen people. He stated that in the Old Testament, in Deuteronomy 7:6.


Which of these is not a state that borders Canada?Hint





Answer: Massachusetts

The states that land border Canada are Alaska, Washington, Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, Minnesota, New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine.


'The Most Beautiful ____________'







Who starred as Tom Joad in "The Grapes of Wrath"?

 James Stewart

 Henry Fonda

 Laurence Olivier

 Charles Chaplin

Answer: Henry Fonda


Who discovered Jesus was missing from the tomb on the third day after He had been buried?



 the angel

 Mary Magdalene

Answer: Mary Magdalene

On Easter Sunday, Mary Magdalene and another woman went to Jesus's tomb to put spices on His dead body. When they reached the tomb, they found that the stone had been rolled away. They thought that someone had stolen His body, but saw an angel at the door of the tomb.


Which of the following sets of islands (in the Americas) is not entirely under the government control of the United States?Hint

 The Keys


 Virgin Islands

 Channel Islands (west of California)

Answer: Virgin Islands

The Hawaiian Islands are actually a state of the United States of America. The Channel Islands are off the coast of California and include Anacapa, Santa Cruz, Santa Rosa, San Miguel, Santa Barbara. The Keys, aka Florida Keys, are off the coast of Florida. The Virgin Islands are half owned by the U.S. the other half are owned by Great Britain.


'Me and Bobby ___________'




