Which opera has a U.S. president and his wife as main characters?
Nixon in China
What commonly available drink is defined by the World Health Organization as an addictive substance?
Which body of water is considered the largest bay in the world?
Bay of bengal
What distance is the longest sprint race in athlectics competitions?
What kind of large fly is the fastest insect on earth, and has been timed at speeds up to 90 miles perhour?
In which Philadephia building were the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution both signed?
Independence Hall
In geek mythology, who is the goddess of wisdom?
Which two countries are connected by the "Channel"?
France and the United Kingdom
Which of the following is not a team mascot in the National Football League-falcon, eagle, cardinal, blue jay?
Blue Jay
Approimately at how many miles per hour is earth orbiting the sun: 670, 6,700, 67,000?
Who was the 22nd and 24th president of the United States?
Grover Cleveland
Which Cartoon character is hinored with a statue in Crystal City, Texas "The Spinch Capital of the World"?
In which country did vanilla originate?
In 1891 Dr. James Naismith invented which indoor sport as a way for kids to exercise during a long, cold winter?
The average lifespan of a housefly is 24 hours. True or False?
Which historical figure is cast in bronze and stands atop Philadelphias city hall?
William Penn
A car, typically from the 1930s-50s, thats loud, chopped, and sometimes left unpainted or rusty is known as a what to a hot rod enthusiasts?
Rat rod
Off what country are the islands of Islay, Mull, and St. kilda located-Ireland, Scotland, or Iceland?
Which of the following was never an Olympic sport- Rope climbing, solo synchronized swimming, hopscotch, or croquet?
Which large, three-sided nut comes from an Amazonian fruit tree pollinated by only one species of bee?
Brazil nut
Which California city was the destination of the first commercial air flight carrying a passenger, which left chicago on July 2, 1927?
San Francisco
Who raised the flag above the U.S. Embassy in Cuba, as it reopened for the first time in 54 years?
John Kerry
Which river is longer- the Mississippi or Vietnam's Mekong?
Which Major professional tennis tournament requires that the players dress almost entirely in white?
Houseplants act as natural air filters to reduce indoor air pollution. True or False?