CORE Teacing Reading Sourcebook-Required Textbook and Nultisensory Activity Book (4th edition) Required
What are the course textbooks?
EDRG #### with class time and day
What is the subject line when emailing the professor?
Bring to class 2/18
What is my phonological awareness lesson?
Exam and Quiz Tab
Where is the final exam located?
Watching videos on your phone/laptog, Side Conversations
What are things to avoid in class
Wed. 10-11 AM & 2-4 PM
What are the professor's office hours?
Read and response assignments are always due
What is the day BEFORE the class meeting?
Standard IV. Literacy Development and Practice: Teachers of young children understand tha tliteracy develops over time an dprogresses from emergent to proficient stages. Teachers use a variety of contexts to spport the development of young children's literacy.
What is a course standard?
Madla 336
What is the professor's office?
Minus 1 point for each day it is late up to two days after the due date.
What is the late policy?
Click the assignment name
How do you find the rubric?
Provide high quality course instruction, Reach academic goals, committed to making this experience relevant, interesting and enjoyable.
What is what to expect from my professor?
By appointment only
What are the professor's office hours?
6 pts. x 5 = 20 pts total
What is the read and response assignment?
Word, PPT, Google, Images, links, or pdf format
What are assignment submissions?
Understand how to effectively plan scientifically-based reading instruction that focuses on phonological and phonemic awareness and alphabetic principal instruction
What is course objective?
Respond to emails within 24 hours of receiving them
What is my professor's goal?
No-Class on March 12th
What is Spring Break?
Technical difficulties
What is will not be accepted as a reason for late assignment submissions?