logos, pathos, and ethos
logos, pathos, and ethos

What is the system that uses facts and information to convince the observer?

What are Logos


How does Ethos convince observers?

It uses trusted people to get the target hooked.


What system of advertising plays with the thoughts, feelings, and emotions of the observer?

What are Pathos?


How does pathos convince the target audience?

It uses thoughts and feelings to make you feel positively emotional or nostalgic about their good or service. 


What is the system of advertising that uses trusted people or famous people to get the observer's attention?

What are Ethos?


How do logos convince people to buy their products?

Logos uses facts and information.

If an ad for Nike said that their new shoe had 70% more traction, then what type of ad would this be?

What is Logos?


Which uses Ethos?

A. An ad that has Shaq using paint.

B. An ad that shows why a medicine will help your body.

C. An ad telling you to donate to St. Jude

What is A?


If on Mr. Beasts new video, he told you that he used Navy Federal Credit Union to invest and get rich, and he also told you that you should use that company too, what kind of ad would this be?

What is Ethos?


Which is Logos?

A. An ad that shows Shaq using paint

B. An ad that shows how a certain medicine can help your body.

C. An ad telling you to donate to St. Jude

What is B?