The main character of the story
Who is the main character of the story?
who were the people who made the first flight
Wright brothers
What does the brain trigger to defend yourself from danger?
What is a common fear
fear of spiders, fear of heights
The main character's brother who died
Who are the main character's friends?
Joe-boy, Starline, and Moe.
when did they have first flight
What part of the brain processes fear?
The amygdala
what is the action the brain triggers to defend itself
fight or flight
Where does the story take place
In the end did the main character jump or not?
How did the main characters control the plane
By lying down and moving the hips.
name all the senses that respond to the Amygdala
sight, smell, taste, sound, and touch
What part of the brain triggers fear
The Amygdala
What group took control over Afghanistan
The Taliban
The Who was the author of The Ravine
Graham Sailsbury
who is the illustrator of the story
Bill Wylie
what helps you face your fears
facing them slowly and gradualy
what is the scientific name of fear of spiders
What is the name of the main character's mother's friend
Mrs. Weera
What was the name of the kid who drowned
who is the author of the story
Robert Burleigh
who is the creator of the story
California Science Center
what is the least common fear
Fear of Walking, Fear of Vomiting, Fear of Peanut Butter, etc.