The bottom number in a fraction; the total number of equal parts
What is a denominator?
One of four equal parts in a whole
What is a fourth?
A fractional part equal to one fourth of a whole
What is a quarter?
Parts of a whole that are the same size
What are equal parts?
A number that names a part of a whole or part of a group
What is a fraction?
One of six equal parts in a whole
What is a sixth?
The top number in a fraction; how many equal parts are being considered
What is a numerator?
The horizontal line that separates the numerator from the denominator in a fraction
What is a fraction bar?
One of three equal parts
What is a third?
To divide or separate a whole into parts
What is a partition?
one of two equal parts in a whole
What is a half?
A shape or a set of that is complete with no missing parts
What is a whole
A model or drawing that looks like a strip of tape; used to represent number relationships
What is a strip diagram?
A line on which points correspond to numbers in order
What is a number line?
One of eight equal parts in a whole
What is an eighth?