what supports the plant?
what is the rarest flower color
what is a warm blooded animal
animal that can regulate its body temperature internally, regardless of the external temperature.
the cell membrane
separates the cell from its environment
whats the name of the mouse from disney
Mickey Mouse
what does the roots do
absorbs water and nutrients
what flower is considered the oldest
what is a cold blooded
animals that can't generate their own body heat
stores genetic information
what year did Disneyland open
whats a seed
a small embryo of a plant that grows into a new plant.
what is the female part of a flower
What are a few examples of warm-blooded animals?
Humans, birds, most mammals
A storage area for water and other substances, usually larger in plant cells.
who killed mufasa(lion king)
what is a leaf used for?
produce energy for the plant using photosynthesis by absorbing sunlight.
what is the male part of a flower
What are a few examples of cold-blooded animals?
Lizards, snakes, fish, amphibians, most insects
Cell wall (plant cells only)
A rigid structure that provides support and protection to the plant cell
who voiced woody in toy story
tom hanks
what does the flower do?
produce seeds for reproduction
what is the main part of a flower
sepal, petals, stamens and carpels
What is the scientific term for a cold-blooded animal? What is the scientific term for a warm-blooded animal?
endotherm and ectotherm
Involved in cell division by organizing microtubules.
who did annie pops play in toy story
bo peep