what color are most plants
what is the rarest rose color in the world
Name a mammal that is warm-blooded
What is the function of a vacuole in a plant cell?
To store water and other substances
what two animals does Moana have
pua hei hei or pig and chicken
what does she roots do for a plant
absorbing water and nutrients
how many main parts of a plant are there
What is the scientific term for a cold-blooded animal?
how small are cells
1-100 micrometers
What did Aladdin steal from the marketplace?
what does a stem do for the plant
supports the flower, transports nutrients and water
what is the female part of a flower
what is the scientific term for a warm blooded animal
What is the outer boundary of a cell that controls what enters and exits?
cell membrane
What color is Rapunzel's hair at the end of the film?
what do leaves do
Prepare food for the plant through photosynthesis and Usually green and flat
what part of the flower is the male part
Name a large marine animal that is considered cold-blooded
Where is the cell's genetic material, DNA, stored?
what are the 12 Disney princesses
Snow White, Cinderella, Aurora, Ariel, Belle, Jasmine, Pocahontas, Mulan, Tiana, Rapunzel, Merida, Moana
what do fruits do for a plant
Contain seeds that help the plant reproduce
what is the smallest plant in the world
What is the main difference between how a lizard and a mammal maintain their body temperature?
A lizard relies on external heat sources while a mammal generates its own heat)
Which organelle is considered the "powerhouse" of the cell, generating energy?
What are the names of Cinderella's stepsisters?
Anastasia and Drizella Tremaine