EC Acronyms
Which standard am I?
ACECQA Knowledge Multiple Choice Qs
Legal or Ethical?
Learning Domains
Approved Learning Framework


Long Day Care


Children have the right to experience quality education and care in an environment that safeguards and promotes their health, safety and wellbeing.

What is Quality Area 2: Children's health and safety


What is the age range covered under the NQF?

A) birth to 5 years of age

B) birth t 6 years of age

C) birth to 13 years of age

D) birth to 16 years of age

C) birth to 13 years of age


Jimmy needs antibiotics, but mum can't get to the chemist, she has brought some old antibiotics to day care instead, but they are out of date.

Is this a legal or ethical dilemma? Why?

This is a Legal Dilemma.

We are NOT allowed to administer medication that is out of date.


What are the main types of skills that the students are developing/practicing during this ball game?

Gross Motor Skills -Physical Development.


What are the names of the two Approved Learning Frameworks?

MTOP - My Time our place

EYLF - Early Years Learning Framework



National Quality Framework


Physical environment is safe, suitable and provides a rich and diverse range of experiences that promote children's learning and development

What is Quality Area 3- Physical environment


What is ACECQA's vision?

A) Giving children the best possible start

B) Children in Australia have the best start in life

C) the best possible start in life for children

D) ACECQA rules!

B) Children in Australia have the best start in life


Mr Smith has asked that Sally not have a sleep at rest time today, as her mum is worried she will be up all night if she does. At lunch time, Sally is so tired, she is falling asleep at the table.

Is this a legal or ethical dilemma? Why

This is an ethical dilemma.

We have an duty of care for the well being of the child and an ethical responsibility to please the parent.


Writing/drawing, is a great activity to helps students develop their -what main type of skill?

Fine Motor Skills 

- creativity/imagination


This framework is used to program for school age-children 

MTOP - My time our place







Qualified and experience educators, who develop warm, respectful relationships with children, create predictable environments and encourage children's active engagement in the learning program

What is Quality Area 4- Staffing arrangements


What does ACECQA Stand for?

a) Australian Children's Excellent Childcare Quality Authority

b) Aussie Children's Excellent Care Quality Authority

c) Australian Children's Education and Care Quality Authority

d) Australian Children's Education and Care Quality Assessment

 c) Australian Children's Education and Care Quality Authority


Billy Loves to play princess dress-ups in home corner with his best friend Jill, however his father has strongly expressed to you that he does not want this to happen. His opinion is that boys should not play with feminine toys. 

Is this a legal or ethical dilemma? 

This is an ethical dilemma. We have a duty of care to Billy to allow him to express himself and explore. However, we also have an ethical responsibility to his parents and their beliefs and wants for their child. 


What are the main developmental skills these children are learning during this board game?

Social Skills - taking turns, communicating with each other


How many Learning Outcomes does each frame work contain?



Early Years Learning Framework

Belonging, Being, Becoming


Collaborative relationships with families are fundamental to achieving quality outcomes for children, and community partnerships based on active communication, consultation and collaboration are essential.

What is Quality Area 6- Collaborative partnerships with families and communities


What does Q.I.P. stand for?

a) Quick Input Plan

b) Quality Input Portal

c) Quality Improvement Portal

d) Quality Improvement Plan

d) Quality Improvement Plan


While out in the playground in the afternoon, a pre-schooler fell over and grazed their leg. The group leader in charge is frantically filling out the incident form as the parent walks in to pick their child up. She forgot to get her assistant to sign as a witness and asks you to witness the form for her, although you were on your 10 minute break at that time and did not see anything happen. 

What would you do? is this a legal or ethical dilemma? 

This is a legal dilemma. 

Yes, you want to help your co-worker out, but an incident form is a legal document that could be used in a court of law- you should refrain from signing anything if you do not feel comfortable doing so. 


What is the main type of development that this child is learning, while playing this card game -memory?

Cognitive- Intellectual development


What are the 3 visions of the frameworks?

Being, Becoming, Belonging






on the

 Rights of the 



Relationships with children are responsive, respectful and promote children's sense of security and belonging.

What is Quality Area 5- Relationships with children


Which is the highest Rating to receive under the NQS Assessment Ratings system? 

a) Excellent

b) Significant improvement required

c) Working Towards National Quality Standard

d) Exceeding National Standards

e) Meeting National Quality Standards

d) Exceeding National Quality Standards


You overhear the teacher next door yelling at a few of her students. You go to investigate, however your Group Leader says just to leave it. She tells you that the staff member is just in a tired, the kids will be fine. 

Do you leave or go assist? is this a legal or ethical dilemma? 

This is a tricky one.. although you may not want to feel like you are overstepping your authority - you have a duty of care to ensure that all children are being looked after appropriately. 

If you feel that the behaviour is inappropriate -report to your supervisor -otherwise you too are breaching your duty of care- a legal requirement e.g. being negligent. 


What is/are the main skills being developed/practiced through this engagement activity?

-Listening and Language

-Communication/social skills


What is the purpose of having an approved learning framework

1.Holistic approaches

2.Responsiveness to children

3.Learning through play

4.Intentional teaching

5.Learning environment

6.Cultural competence

7.Continuity of learning and transitions

8.Assessment for learning





Education and Care




Educational program and practice of educators are child-centred, stimulating and maxamise opportunities for enhancing and extending each child's learning and development

What is Quality Area 1- Educational program and practice


In the National Law and National Regulations, what does a 'centre-based' service refer to?

a) Long day care services and preschools

b) OHSC Services only

c) An education and care setting other than an OHSC service

d) An education and care setting other than a family day care service 

d) An education and care setting other than a family day care service.


You have been so busy with life, you forgot to re new your blue card when your boss told you to- now it has expired. 

You have an external audit booked for the next day and your boss really needs you to work. What should you do?

Is this a legal or ethical dilemma? 

This is a legal dilemma. 

You must have a current blue card to be able to work in the centre. Your boss could get into a lot of trouble during the audit if you are not honest and tell her the truth. She should be able to help you put in an online application straight away. You will follow her direction.


What is the main developmental domain being taught/explored within this activity?

Emotional development


How many principles are within the framework and what are their purpose?

there are 5 principles

Principles are foundations, beliefs or truths about something.








Effective leadership and governance of the service contributes to quality environments for children's learning and development. Effective leaders establish shared values for the service and set clear direction for the service's continuous improvement.

What is Quality Area 7- Governance and leadership


What does the National Quality Framework (NQF) include?

a) National Law and Regulations and National Quality Standard

b) National Law and Regulations, National Quality Standard, assessment and quality rating process, and nationally approved learning frameworks

c) National Law and Regulations, National Quality Standard and National Learning Frameworks

d) National Quality Standard and National Learning Frameworks

b) National Law and Regulations, National Quality Standard, assessment and quality rating process, and nationally approved learning frameworks


Chole has brought in cup cakes to celebrate her birthday with her classmates. Unfortunately, you have a student in your class whose family is a Jehovah witness (does not believe in celebrations). 

While the class celebrates, the child is taken to the kindy room next door.

Is this an ethical or legal issues? is this the right solution.

This is the right decision.

Its an ethical decision - important that you discuss with the child's parents though previously/and that day, just to keep them informed. 


Reading books to children, assists them in developing what type of skills?

Language and literacy skills


Cognitive skills 


Name 4 of the 8 Practices within the EYLF

1.Holistic approaches

2.Responsiveness to children

3.Learning through play

4.Intentional teaching

5.Learning environment

6.Cultural competence

7.Continuity of learning and transitions

8.Assessment for learning