What does every habitat need? (3/4 things)
What are 3 animals that predate trout
Trout, Bears, Humans, Eagles, ect.
What is a problem for hatchery trout?
Instincts, overcrowded tanks.
What is the only continent to not hold rainbow trout
What does a habitat look like?
Good flowing water, Places to hide, Space, Cold water
What is an instinct
something we do without thinking
What is a rainbow trout that visits the ocean called?
Do trout eat other trout
What is a cycle
something that happens over and over again
If we have 1500 eggs how many will make it back to make more trout?
around 30
What was the heaviest rainbow trout caught in wa state
What is a trouts super power
they can sense movement using their nerves.
What is a life cycle
a series of changes in an organism's life
What makes hatchery trout different from wild trout
What is the average length of a rainbow trout
12-30 inches
Give an example of a life cycle
What are the 6ish stages in the trout life cycle
egg, alevin, fry, juvenile (fingerling), adult, predation
What is the average weight of a rainbow trout
2-8 pounds