Newton's Laws
Velocity and Acceleration
Work and Power
Forces and Gravity
Where is gravitational potential energy highest (GPE): at the top of a hill, or at the bottom of a hill?
At the top of a hill
A person swimming pushes water back in order to move forward. Which of Newton's Laws does this demonstrate?
Newton's Third Law of Motion
What is the difference between speed and velocity?
Both include distance, but velocity includes direction.
If a person pushes an object and it does not move, has the person done any work?
What is a force?
A push or a pull on an object
Define Conservation of Energy
Energy can be neither created nor destroyed, but can only be transferred
Tom Brady throws a football into the enzone. Which of Newton's Laws does this demonstrate?
Newton's Second Law of Motion
A person runs around a 400 m track once, ending up back at his/her starting point. What is the distance the person ran? What is the person's displacement?
Distance- 400 m; Displacement- 0 m
How does decreasing the amount of time it takes to do work affect power?
Increases power
What is the value of acceleration due to gravity on Earth?
9.8 m/s2
A 1.2 kg book is sitting on a desk 4 m high. What is the book's gravitational potential energy?
47.04 J
Ryan hits his baseball with an acceleration of 40 m/s2. The mass of the baseball is 0.5 kg. What is the force of the swing?
20 N
What is the acceleration of a car that speeds up from 50 m/s to 60 m/s in 5 seconds?
2 m/s2
Name the 6 simple machines.
Inclined plane, wedge, screw, lever, wheel and axel, pulley
What is the difference between weight and mass?
Mass is the amount of matter an object is made up of and it never changes. Weight depends on gravity and can change in different gravitational fields.
Give an example of kinetic energy turning into gravitational potential energy.
Any instance something goes upward (i.e- a ball being thrown into the air)
If force remains constant, how does decreasing the mass of an object affect acceleration?
Decreasing mass increases acceleration.
What is the velocity of a bicyclist who travels 500 meters east in 450 seconds?
1.11 m/s east
A horse pulls a car weighing 450 newtons for a distance of 100 meters. if this takes 40 seconds, how much power did the horse use?
1125 Watts
If the mass of a marble is 0.2 kg, what is the force with which the marble hits the floor on Earth?
1.96 N
A bowling ball with a mass of 2 kg rolls down lane 15 at 0.5 m/s. What is its kinetic energy?
0.25 J
Define inertia. How does increasing the mass of an object affect its inertia?
Inertia is the tendency of an nobject to resist changes in motion. The greater the mass of an object, the more inertia the object has.
A car traveling 24 m/s comes to a stop in 8 seconds. What is the car's acceleration?
-3 m/s2
The weight of a rock is 100 newtons. Using a lever, the rock was lifted using 80 newtons of force. What was the mechanical advantage of the lever?
An object with a mass of 6 kg has a weight of 56 N on planet X. What is the acceleration due to gravity on planet X?
9.33 m/s2