Exercise & Wellness
Revisiting September Past

“Drop and give me 20” refers to this exercise.

What are push-ups? Did you know? When learning to do push-ups, it’s best to place your knees on the floor rather than your toes to build strength and perfect your form.


The ruins of this “unsinkable” ship were found in September 1985.

What is the RMS Titanic? After more than 70 years at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, a French American expedition found the remains.


This is the easiest low-impact exercise. It requires no gym membership, and it can be enjoyed in groups.

What is walking? It’s heart-healthy, and you can walk at your own pace, increasing speed and duration as you become more fit.


In September 1964, this commission issued its report on the Kennedy assassination.

What is Warren? The Warren Commission’s report concluded Lee Harvey Oswald killed John F. Kennedy with a single bullet. To this day, there are many who don’t believe the findings in part or in whole.


In addition to helping build muscle mass and all the other usual benefits of exercise, this form of exercise shines when it comes to keeping bones strong.

What is strength training (working with weights, resistance bands, or similar)? According to the Mayo Clinic, “By stressing your bones slightly, strength training can increase bone density and reduce the risk of osteoporosis.”


In September 1974, this president pardoned President Richard Nixon.

Who is President Gerald Ford? He did it so a trial would not further polarize the country. Some blame his failure to gain a second term on the pardon.


This is the name for the exercise equipment pictured here.

What is a recumbent bike? By peddling in a slightly reclined position, you take the pressure off your knees and go easier on your lower back.


In September 1973, this aircraft made its first transatlantic flight, breaking records for the fastest crossing.

What is the Concorde? The first crossing took only three hours and 33 minutes. The first passenger flight wasn’t until 1976, and it continued to transport passengers at speeds greater than Mach 2 until 2003.


Serious athletes compete in this event, which includes swimming, cycling, and distance running.

What is triathlon? The event has its roots in France in the 1920s. In 1974, California hosted the first formal triathlon. Swimming is the first event because it is safer than swimming when you’re already exhausted.


On a September day in 1926, this 11-day feast in Little Italy made its debut.

What is Feast of San Gennaro (gen-AIR-o)? It’s a New York September tradition, and New Yorkers and visitors flock to Mulberry Street in the heart of Little Italy for shopping, parades, contests, live entertainment, and eating.


President Dwight D. Eisenhower introduced this exercise program to increase fitness in young people.

What is the President’s Council on Youth Fitness? It is now called the President’s Council on Sports, Fitness & Nutrition.


September didn’t always have 30 days. It used to have this many.

What is 29? Julius Caesar added an extra day in 46 BC.