Never going to give you up....
what is Never going to let you down
Mom grow up in this town
What is Effingham
Gus Gus was the mouse who helped this title character
What is Cinderella
Ollie's alter ego
What is evil Boy
Chip and Dale along with three others joined this investigation company
what are Rescue Rangers
I gonna keep on dancing at
What is at the Pink pony club
Dad grew up in this town
What is Taylorville
The quote Ohana means family came from this movie
what is Lilo and Stitch
The first man Maia wanted to marry.
Who is Anakin Skywalker
Come inside its fun inside was this shows tag line
What is Mickey Mouse Club House
When you call my name it's like a little
what is Prayer I'm down on my knees I want to take you there
This movie inspired mom to study archelogy and anthropology.
What is Indiana Jones
This title character had a blue genie and a monkey for a side kick
What is Aladin
Castle is most excited about seeing this character.
Who is Mickey Mouse
The title character makes crabby patties at the Mr. Crabbs resturant
who is Sponge Bob
I can show you the world.
What is shinning shimmering splendid
This movie made dad scared to take a bath when he was a little boy
What is Jaws
Merida turned her mom and three brothers into bears in this movie
What is Brave?
This Avenger weapon was what Jovin tried to use on his mother
What is Thor's Hammer
The heroes in the half-shell
What is Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
Anyway you want it
what is Thats how you get it any way you want it
Mom and Dads favorite thing to do in the evening
What is go for a drive
Mother knows best in this movie as she used this beautiful blond for her hair.
what is Tangled.
This is Mattie's first lord in Marvel Rivals.
These two boys are "always driving their sister insane." in search of the best day ever.
Who are Phineas and Ferb?