What Is Peer Pressure?
A feeling that one must do the same things as other people in order to be liked or respected.
What is Sportsmanship?
Fair and generous behavior or treatment of others; good attitude
What year did SD become a state?
Name the 8 Planets in order
Murcury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
What country is in the shape of a Boot?
What are ways to resist peer pressure?
Walk away, distract them, speaking out/ saying nah, etc
What does sportsmanship look like?
Shaking hands after a match, “Good game.”, honesty about play, acceptance of the outcome, not taunting, making excuses, etc.
What are the two states that aren't a part of the continental United States?
Alaska & Hawaii
What is the name of our galaxy?
The Milkyway
Name the type of pressure: Your friends are trying to get you to do a school musical because they think you would be great in it
What do you say to your team if you lose?
“It’s okay. We’ll do better next time.” “Everyone did their best.”, etc.
What state is the Largest, and what state is the smallest?
Rhode Island, Alaska
How do we measure distance in Space?
Lightyears, Astronomical units
English and French are the official languages of what maple syrup loving nation?
Name the type of pressure: You’re taking a test and your friend whispers that he needs help but you’re scared you’ll get caught. Your friend calls you a name
What is being cocky?
Trying to impress, loud, blame others for their mistakes, dishonest
The name AND spelling of the largest river in the U.S.
What happens when a star dies?
Turns into Black Hole, Nebula, Neutron Star
The largest desert in the world is found in multiple African Nations, name one.
Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco, Mauritania, Algeria, Libya, Niger, Sudan
When was a time Miss Martha was peer pressured?
7th grade year, my volleyball team gave me a dare that got me into BIG trouble.
What is being confident?
Respectful, listens to others, learns from failure, healthy sense of self-worth
Name the 5 States that make the acronym MIMAL
Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana
What will happen to our sun in the next stage of its life?
It will turn into a Red Giant
The only national flag that doesn't have 4 sides belongs to which country?